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Childcare construction update

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Childcare construction update

Bellmoore-Construction update

Dear Bellmoore families,

I wanted to provide an update to let you know that construction of the childcare addition will be starting at the beginning of October. This will have some impacts at our school.

The contractor is preparing to place construction fencing on the site. This will mean that we can maintain the stairwell exit, but that the front door exit to Pumpkin Pass will be unavailable.

Inside the school, exit signs and yellow cards indicating the closed door as an exit will be revised.

Buses at the school will temporarily be using Pumpkin Pass as a drop-off area.

HWSTS (Transportation) and the City of Hamilton have been updated about this construction project. Please feel free to contact our school office if you have any questions.


Mrs. P.  Mochrie

Updated on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.
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