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HWDSB Building

Community Resources

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Looking for things in the community – information, activities, services, etc?  You’ve found the right place!

NEW!!  Need a place where your child (K-6) can work on and get help with homework?  Check this out!  HWDSB After School Academic Support

Here is a link that some students recommended.  Need homework help

Educational Resources:

Guiding principles, roles and responsibilities, standards of behaviour, etc.
Search for curriculum expectations by subject or grade.


This link will take you directly to the on-line card-catalogue search for the Hamilton Public Library.
The main city of Hamilton site.  A huge portal for all services, etc. for the city of Hamilton.
The Virtual Museum of Canada celebrates the stories and treasures that have come to define Canada over the centuries. Here you will find innovative multimedia content that educates, inspires and fascinates!
The NFB has made a huge number of their films available for streaming on line – everything from “;The Hockey Sweater”; to films about Climate Change.  FREE!

Health and Wellness:

Services include swimming, summer, march break and after-school activities,  adult recreation and more.
everything from nutrition and food safety to West Nile to Quitting smoking…..
Having trouble getting rid of head lice?  Ointments and treatments not working?  A highly recommended resource.
Jobs, Ontario Works, Housing, Child Care, Parenting, Career Development, Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Services, etc.
A directory of all kidsී; teams and sports associations.
Updated on Wednesday, November 09, 2016.
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