Bell Times
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Greg Clark - 905-689-6692 | Email
Dian Alexandre, Nupi Gokhale | Email
Nicole Lee - 905.527.5092 x 2673 | E-mail Nicole LeeTrustee
Graeme Noble - 365.889.3795 | E-mail Graeme NobleSchool Schedule
Period 1 – 8:00 to 9:15
Period 2 – 9:19 to 10:34
Period 3 – 10:38 to 11:53
Period 4 – 11:56 to 1:11
Period 5 – 1:15 to 2:30
School Council Co-Chairs
Sarah Barkwell
Tracy Segal
Administrative Office Staff
- Ms. Teresa Maugeri – Office Administrator
- Ms. Grace Howard – Accounts Administrator
- Ms. Louann Kennedy – Student Services
- Ms. Shawn Drahaschnig – Attendance
Our School
Waterdown District High School, established in 1853 has a strong tradition of both academic achievement, extracurricular participation, student leadership and community support. As the only Secondary School located in the Flamborough area, our students enjoy the support of a very dedicated community. Our students have numerous curricular opportunities as well as the ability to participate in 67 different extra-curricular activities. Our students are dedicated to supporting others and on a daily basis are involved in fundraising and volunteer activities in our local community and around the world.
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- Industry Certification Centre with more than 10 different certifications available to be earned as members of a class or individually
- STEP summer program for Gr. 8 students entering Gr. 9
- Extensive Gr. 9 Orientation activities
- Strong Learning Resource team
- Gr. 9 Learning Strategies Course
- Locally Developed Courses (Gr. 9 & 10) and Workplace Courses (Gr. 11 & 12)
- Youth Assisting Youth Mentoring Program for Gr. 9 &10 students
- Credit Recovery program to assist Gr. 9 and 10 students
- Complete-a-credit program
- After-school literacy program to support students writing the OSSLT (Literacy Test)
- T.R.Y. (Take Responsibility for Yourself) – Alternative Education Program
- Comprehensive Cooperative Education and Apprenticeship Program
- Math extra help sessions for students two days a week on lunch hours with senior student support
- Weekly Good Deed and True Sport Awards
- Celebration of Student Success through annual Academic Awards Evening, Athletic Awards Banquet, Arts Awards Banquet and Commencement
Program Highlights
Wide variety of course offerings in all subject areas at all levels
Some specialty offerings:
- Communication Technology Program (TGJ 4M)- produces, hosts and televises bi-weekly morning announcements on WINTV
- CISCO Computer Engineering Program (ICE 3M) – students complete IT Essentials I in preparation for writing their A+ certification
- Co-Ed Hockey Program (Gr. 10 & 11) – focus on hockey conditioning and skills development
- Compass – Outbound Experience – offered both semesters – 2 credit package focuses on outdoor education /physed and physical geography for gr. 11 students
- Outbound Experience Program – offered in Semester 2 – four credit package focused on Environmental Education and Leadership for Gr. 12 students
- “Connextions Program” – offered in Semester 1 – three credit package developed to promote an understanding of international diversity and develop an appreciation for the challenges facing those living in third world countries
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (O.Y.A.P.) – through our Cooperative Education Program, our students have the ability to earn credits while earning apprenticeship hours
- Musical Theatre Program – runs every other year – with a focus on creating a final musical production
Before/After School Program or Activities
Our School Plan
Curriculum Focus
Continue to reduce the failure rate of our students.
Continue to reduce the gender gap between girls and boys.
Continue to incorporate Literacy and Numeracy skills into all courses.
Incorporate professional certifications into numerous subject areas to provide students with additional skills that will assist them in the workplace.
Environment Focus
Building Character Education
implement the True Sport initiative in our extra-curricular programs
implement a weekly Good Deed Award for students
continue educating students and staff about bullying
Implement a Code Lockdown Procedure
Reinstate a student run school-wide recycling program
Parent & Community Involvement
Continue to partner with members of the community to offer our students numerous learning opportunities. Our community members support us by offering cooperative education placements, opportunities for field trips, volunteers, coaching expertise, resources and materials, support for special events and guest speakers.
Continue to use a wide variety of approaches to communicate with parents. Making use of our school sign, our school website, our automated phone system to call home about attendance and special events, the REMIND app for texts and emails and our “What’s Up at WDHS” articles in the Flamborough Review.
Encourage parental participation on our School Council.
Updated on Wednesday, February 05, 2025.