![HWDSB Building](/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/HWDSB-Main-Banner-1920x500.jpg)
Waterdown Attendance – Safe Arrival (School Messenger)
Click on the link to learn about our Safe arrival program which is called School Messenger.
Regular, punctual attendance is essential to academic success!
Students will attend school regularly and attend all classes when in school. Students are expected to be on time for every class.
All Absences from school must be justified by parents or guardians through School Messenger. Students 18 years or older must call for themselves. Students will be marked UNEXPLAINED / TRUANT if a phone call or note is not received by the main office on a timely basis.
Do not give notes to your teachers. All notes must be brought to the main office.
Unexplained absences will be dealt with in several ways including Parent notification, detentions, in school suspension or if the problem persists full suspension.
Students Late for class must report directly to class. Admit slips will only be issued to students arriving late with a note.
Leaving Early from a Class students who need to leave early from class will be given an excuse slip from the main office, once a note or phone call from a parent has been received in advance. Students must pick up an excuse slip prior to the start of period 1. Unless it is an emergency, please call ahead to excuse your child.
Vacation students who will be missing school due to vacation must bring a note to the Attendance Administrator in the main office and pick up an Extended Absence Form. It is the student’s responsibility to get homework for any missed classes.
Updated on Thursday, June 04, 2020.