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HWDSB Building


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Energy Sector SHSM

Energy brings convenience and safety to all aspects of our daily living. The sector includes energy generation, oil and gas extraction, distribution, energy conservation and renewable/alternative (wind, solar, small hydro, non-utility, co-gen) energies. The technologies used to generate electricity along with changes in consumption, and the move to more conservation are issues that are of paramount importance to everyone. You will want to be part of this fun and interesting sector that is sure to continue to expand with more challenges and cool innovations.

This program will be provide an overview to this sector and be of particular interest to students with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Topics related to this SHSM are covered in Tech, Geography, Science and Business courses.
Exposure to this important sector leads students to a variety of rewarding careers that may include:
Gas Fitter,
Steam Fitter,
Power Line Technician,
Instrument Technician,
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technician,
Stationary Engineer,
Land Surveyor,
Geological technician,
Professional Engineer,
Solar Panel Technician,
Wind Turbine Materials Controller,
Oil & Gas Driller,
Electronics Service Technician and more………
Updated on Friday, October 25, 2019.
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