Mary Hopkins Elementary School has been under a $2.5million HVAC revitalization project. Construction commenced in October 2023 with the installation of new piping, ducting and electrical.
Construction continued through the summer months with installation of the new roof top unit, boilers, electrical transformer, and new suspended ceiling system with LED lighting.
Construction will continue into September and October 2024 with mechanical connections at the new units above the ceiling. Rooms will be finished by installing the ceiling tiles in the new suspended ceiling systems. This work should not produce dust or debris, therefore, classrooms will not be taken offline. That being said, the small gym and library learning commons will remain offline in September 2024. Reopening of these rooms is anticipated in October 2024.
All work in September and October 2024 will be completed after school hours and on weekends, in alignment with the City of Hamilton noise by-laws.
Abatement work will only be completed as necessary when there are no students or staff in the space. All asbestos abatement operations will be completed following O.Reg. 278/05.
Project Schedule
Construction Start | October 2023 |
Equipment Installation:
Corridor Ceiling Renovation | July 2024 – August 2024 |
Construction Complete | Fall 2024 |
Two-Week Construction Activity Look-A-Head
Note: While we don’t anticipate any asbestos abatement during this period, if asbestos containing material is discovered, regular abatement processes will be followed, and areas cleaned prior to student and staff returning to the space.
March 8 to 22, 2024
- Gym 002 partial ceiling removal for radiator piping associated with room 218 behind drywall ceiling. Temporarily reinstallation prior to end of March break. Room handed back to HWDSB for caretaker cleaning.
- Classroom 215 complete installation of architectural finishes, construction clean, and project team room review prior to end of March break and handover of classroom back to HWDSB for caretaker cleaning.
- Classroom 218 partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline after March break. Class temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing commence partial radiator and piping removal and prepare exterior walls/windows to receive unit ventilator ducting. Rooms handed back to HWDSB at the end of March break for caretaker cleaning. Work may continue afterhours after March break.
- Classrooms in 1950’s school wing commence partial radiator and piping removal. Rooms (excluding 218) handed back to HWDSB at the end of March break for caretaker cleaning.
- All holes between flooring levels to be fire caulked by end of March break at all locations where piping was removed.
March 22 to April 8, 2024
- Classroom 218 unit is ready to be handed back to caretaker cleaning on March 22.
- Movers are scheduled March 22 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 218 and out of classroom 214 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 214 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline until April 15. Class temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will commence structural reviews in preparation of supporting new openings for ductwork, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on third and fourth floor will have the construction team access them and caretakers will review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
April 8 to 22, 2024
- Classroom 214 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on April 4.
- Movers are scheduled April 4 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 214 and out of classroom 219 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 219 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline from April 8 to April 22. Class will be temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on 3rd and 4th floor will have construction team access them and caretakers will review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
April 22 to May 6, 2024
- Classroom 219 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on April 19.
- Movers are scheduled April 19 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 219 and out of classroom 220 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 220 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline from April 22 to May 3. Class will be temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floor will be accessed by the construction team to complete the work behind the tarp. Caretakers will continue to review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
May 6 to 20, 2024
- Classroom 220 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on May 3.
- Movers are scheduled May 3 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 220 and out of classroom 222 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 222 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline from May 3 to May 17. Class will be temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floor will be accessed by the construction team to complete the work behind the tarp. Caretakers will continue to review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
- Boiler work will start in boiler room area mid-May 2024 in preparation of new boiler installation in June 2024.
May 20 to June 3, 2024
- Classroom 222 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on May 17.
- Movers are scheduled May 17 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 222 and out of classroom 223 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 223 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline from May 20 to May 31. Class will be temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floor will be accessed by the construction team to complete the work behind the tarp. Caretakers will continue to review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
- Boiler work has started in preparation of the new boiler installation in early June 2024.
June 3 to 17, 2024
- Classroom 223 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on June 3.
- Movers are scheduled May 31 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 223 and out of classroom 302 to Gym 002.
- Classroom 302 will have partial removal of radiator and piping. Installation of new suspended ceiling system. Room remains offline from June 3 to June 14. Class will be temporarily relocated to Gym 002.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floor will be accessed by the construction team to complete the work behind the tarp. Caretakers will continue to review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
- Boiler work has started in preparation of the new boiler installation in June 2024.
- Library Learning Commons will be offline from June 3 until the end of the school year to pack up reading materials in preparation of the new HVAC equipment installation.
June 17 to 30, 2024
- Classroom 302 is ready to be handed back for caretaker cleaning on June 14.
- Movers are scheduled June 14 evening to relocate furniture back into classroom 302.
- On June 14, the library learning commons, as well as the low gym 002 will be closed for construction. These rooms will remain offline until September 2024.
- Classrooms in 1900’s school wing will have work done on the exterior wall in preparation of new lintel installation at unit ventilator ductwork penetrations, located in the current tarped areas. Rooms on the 3rd and 4th floor will be accessed by the construction team to complete the work behind the tarp. Caretakers will continue to review all rooms every morning to confirm cleanliness.
- Boiler installation has commenced.
- Construction hours will change to during the day starting July 2. The posting of the two-week look-ahead schedule will pause and be restarted as required for the 2024-25 school year.
Construction Background
Type 1 asbestos operations were completed in classrooms as non-friable mastic pucks were discovered behind chalkboards in the 1950’s school wing. The mastic was only removed if it came off with the removal of the blackboard. Mastic is assumed to remain and be present in other similar locations.
Non friable materials are present in many of our schools including floor tiles, desks etc.. Other asbestos containing materials such as ceiling tiles etc. are also present at many locations. These materials are common and acceptable to have in classrooms and pose no danger to staff or students.
Due to complaints, the Ministry of Labour visited the school to review measures that have been taken to maintain a safe working and learning environment. They have provided the following report documenting their visit on March 4, 2024. The report indicates no corrective actions or ongoing concerns with the working and learning environment to date. The renovation will continue to be completed in accordance with all legislation, prioritizing staff and student safety and well-being.
Click here to read the Report.
Questions and Answers
Will the classrooms be taken offline to complete the work?
While work is intended to be completed after hours there may be a requirement to take over one classroom at a time. Students and staff will use the learning commons or gymnasium as a temporary learning space, as required.
Intrusive work has paused while the contractor awaits delivery of unit ventilators to be placed into the classrooms and is working to coordinate their placement. Work will resume during the evenings in unoccupied spaces on February 20. The work begins at 4 p.m. daily and continues until 11:30 p.m. During all hours of the day, the construction work areas are separated from the occupied areas of the school with hoarding. No work will take place in occupied spaces and no work is planned for daytime hours. The project will continue into the summer and into the 2024-25 school year.
The school has an asbestos inventory. What information does it provide?
The asbestos inventory located at the school is a mandated document meant to provide information on asbestos containing materials that are present within the school. Not all areas are accessible when creating the inventory so we take a cautious approach to communicating materials that may contain asbestos. However, prior to commencing any construction a third-party qualified environmental consultant investigates to confirm whether materials that may be worked on contain asbestos or other regulated substances. This is called a designated substance audit report (DSAR). DSAR’s are provided to the contactor prior to construction commencing.
What is provided if an abatement is required to complete the construction?
The third-party qualified environmental consultant who provides the designated substant audit report (DSAR) outlines the steps to safely remove asbestos. The steps of removal are as per Ontario regulation. The general contractor then completes the removals using a certified environmental contractor who is selected from our vendor of record. The environmental consultant returns to review the removals and provides an associated report to confirm the work was completed in accordance with the regulation prior to construction continuing.
How would families be notified of updates?
HWDSB is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all people in Board-owned facilities in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Should the unexpected happen, where asbestos is unintentionally disturbed in the school, HWDSB will notify the school community. A decision would be made to either move students and staff to another area or close the facility. An investigation would occur to determine the potential for exposure. Air sampling and cleaning measures would also take place to ensure that student and staff health and safety is maintained.
No hazardous building materials have been disturbed during daytime occupied hours.
Will air conditioning be provided as part of the project?
Yes, air conditioning will be provided.
What is the name of the third-party environmental consultant?
MTE Consultants Inc.
What is the name of the contractor?
What is the name of the abatement contractor?
Schouten Environmental
Has there been radon testing at the school?
Has there been an indoor air quality test?
Indoor Air quality testing is an approach used to check whether the ventilation system is functioning properly to provide adequate ventilation to reduce complaints, usually related to human bio effluents. Traditional indoor air quality testing is not used to detect dust, mould, or asbestos. HWDSB has not performed an indoor air quality test.
I am concerned about dust in the classroom/school containing lead. How do I know it is safe for my child?
All work with respect to lead containing material follows the guidance from the Ministry of Labour and the Environmental Abatement Council of Canada. We heard concerns about lead from our parents and staff and have conducted a clearance test to be certain that our cleaning process is effective.
A final report can be found here: Mary Hopkins – Lead Sampling Letter – Feb-23-24
What proactive steps as the construction team implemented to limit the exposure to dust, mould, and asbestos?
A) Construction only takes place after school hours and on weekends in a sealed classroom and/or tarped enclosure within the classrooms that are not accessible to students or staff. Areas around the classroom are cleaned by the contractor and by caretakers at the end of their workday and prior to the staff and students returning the school day.
B) Construction abatement activities follow the processes outlined by our third-party environmental consultant, in accordance to the respective regulation and guidelines.
C) If concealed asbestos not included in the DSA Report is found, the contractors stop work, third-party environmental consultants test the suspect materials and if required, the abatement contractor will remove the material safely.
D) If mould is found the contractors stop work, the abatement contractor completes the removal/cleaning of the materials in question following the instructions of our third-party environmental consultant.
E) Once the construction is complete in each classroom, the prime consulting team (architect and engineers) and third-party environmental consultant will review and confirm that the work is completed according to the plan, is safe and ready to hand back to the school for use.