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Mary Hopkins

Visitors to the School / Safe Welcome Program

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There are many different procedures in place to help ensure that Mary Hopkins is a safe learning environment for all (e.g., emergency planning, regular fire drills, criminal background checks for all board employees and volunteers working with students, safety plans for students with potential emergencies, etc.). Students are asked to move in pairs throughout the building. Staff members wear identification badges in the building, and wear bright coloured vests on the playground for easy visibility. During instructional hours (9:15 am – 3:35 pm) all visitors must connect with the main office at the the front door of the school (Main Street Side).

We ask that visitors to the school assist us by:

  • Checking into the office. If no one is there, someone will return momentarily, so please wait.
  • Visitors / volunteers to please sign in at the office and take a visitors/volunteer sticker prior to going into the classroom setting.
Updated on Friday, August 02, 2024.
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