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Mary Hopkins

School Day and Routines

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School Hours

Our school hours are 9:15 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. Supervision on the school yard begins at 9:00 a.m. For safety reasons, it is important that students not arrive at school prior to 9:00 a.m. and leave promptly at 3:35 p.m.

Supervision Starts    9:00

Instructional Block 1      9:15       –         10:55

Nutrition Break         10:55    –         11:35

Instructional Block 2     11:35     –      1:15

Nutrition Break       1:15      –         1:55

Instructional Block 2    1:55      –      3: 35

Dismissal                    3:35

Arrive On Time

Students are expected to arrive on time as late arrivals disrupt learning for all students.  All students arriving at school after 9:15am must report to the main office to have their attendance amended.

Early Dismissal of Students – Appointments etc.

It is highly recommended that once a student is at school, they remain at school for the entire day.
In the exceptional circumstance that a student needs to leave early for an appointment, etc. please ensure that the office and/or classroom teacher is notified. Students are called down to the office once a parent/caregiver arrives for pickup. Communication will assist us in ensuring the student is prepared for dismissal with all their belongings.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Up-to-date student information enables us to contact you in an emergency. Please inform us of any changes to your telephone numbers for work, caregivers, emergency contacts.

Lost and Found

A box for found items is located on the 1st floor of our building. Students and visiting parents are encouraged to check this box for lost articles. Unclaimed articles are eventually donated to a local charity. Please label all personal articles that are brought to school. In any one classroom, there are frequently many items such as boots, lunch boxes, jackets, etc., that are the same size and colour.


Parents are required, under the new Anaphylaxis Policy, to inform the homeroom teacher and office, in writing if their child has severe, life threatening allergies, as we need to ensure that safety precautions are put into place.

Mary Hopkins is a PEANUT/NUT SAFE as we have several students with life threatening allergies to peanuts and/or nuts. We respectfully ask that:

  1. You avoid sending nuts and nut products to school for lunch, snacks, or special occasion treats. We realize that this is not an easy task, please try and support us in making our school safe for everyone.
  2. Students only eat what their parents have sent for them.
Updated on Friday, August 02, 2024.
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