What is Home & School?
H&S is an independent, parent-driven organization committed to supporting public education and promoting the welfare of children and youth. Home & School strives to give parents an understanding of schools and to be informed, constructive partners with educators.
Home & School Associations have been active in Ontario since 1896. In 1916 the Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations (OFHSA) was organized – the first provincial Home & School Federation in Canada.
The first Home & School Association in Hamilton was formed in 1927 at G. R. Allan School. By 1933 there were five associations: G. R. Allan, Ryerson, Earl Kitchener, Stinson and Brantdale. In November of 1933 the Hamilton Council was formed.
What does Home & School Provide?:
- A forum for parents, teachers, and principals to share their points of view
- A communications link with other parents in the community
- A source of information about education and other issues which affect young people
- A self directed group, not dependent on the school staff’s initiative and time
- A professional development opportunity for parents
- A provincially recognized voice for parents with students in Ontario’s public schools
- A connection with your local school board through the Home & School Council
- An appropriate mechanism to bring parents concerns to the attention of the Ministry of Education, and other relevant Ministries.
Home & School representatives participate on many other committees of the HWDSB including:
- French Immersion Advisory Committee
- Special Education Advisory Committee
- Innovation & Partnership
- Communications
- Learning Opportunities
- The steering committee of the Educational Archives and Heritage Centre
About Membership
- Membership is open to all persons interested in the welfare of children and youth, and who support the beliefs of Home & School as set out in the constitution and policy statements.
- Individual or family memberships are $20 per year.
- Once formed, each association has a $100 liability insurance fee annually.
- Includes membership in OFHSA (Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations) and the Canadian Federation of Home and Schools.
- Includes liability insurance coverage.
Updated on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.