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Mary Hopkins

Mary Hopkins News – Jan 2

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Mary Hopkins News – Jan 2

Happy New Year and we look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.  With an increase in case numbers, we hope that those at Mary Hopkins, as well as your family and friends, are healthy and well.

Letter to Families on Delayed Return to School | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)

School Screening – An important action that you can do to support keeping our students safe is to actively screen your entire family each morning.  The current and up-to-date screening is always posted at the provincial link COVID-19 school screening (ontario.ca).  Be sure to use this link, as the screening is revised regularly. Families will also notice that it includes detailed instructions if you are directed to isolate.  If in doubt, use this information as your guidance.

Distancing at Drop Off – Although drop off and pick up has traditionally been time to catch up with friends and neighbours, we ask that you are cognizant of our distancing expectations by not congregating on the blacktop.  Morning supervision begins at 9:00 am and we ask parents to drop and go.  Parents who wish to stay until entry, are asked to move outside of the blacktop area (e.g. field). This will reduce crowding and allow staff and students to line up and move through the blacktop area safely.

Our school office reopens tomorrow (Monday, January 3, 2022) and our school staff will be available during regular school hours.  Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.  Please be patient as we work through your messages and emails from the past two weeks.

Updated on Sunday, January 02, 2022.
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