Home & School Association | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)
What is Home & School?
Home & School is an independent, parent-driven organization committed to supporting public education and promoting the welfare of children and youth. Home & School strives to give parents an understanding of schools and to be informed, constructive partners with educators.
Home & School Associations have been active in Ontario since 1896. In 1916 the Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations (OFHSA) was organized – the first provincial Home & School Federation in Canada.
The first Home & School Association in Hamilton was formed in 1927 at G. R. Allan School. By 1933 there were five associations: G. R. Allan, Ryerson, Earl Kitchener, Stinson and Brantdale. In November of 1933 the Hamilton Council was formed.
What does Home & School provide?
- A forum for parents, teachers, and principals to share their points of view
- A communications link with other parents in the community
- A source of information about education and other issues which affect young people
- A self-directed group, not dependent on the school staff’s initiative and time
- A professional development opportunity for parents
- A provincially recognized voice for parents with students in Ontario’s public schools
- A connection with your local school board through the Home & School Council
- An appropriate mechanism to bring parents’ concerns to the attention of the Ministry of Education, and other relevant Ministries
Home & School representatives participate on many other committees of the HWDSB including:
- French Immersion Advisory Committee
- Special Education Advisory Committee
- Innovation & Partnership
- Communications
- Learning Opportunities
- The steering committee of the Educational Archives and Heritage Centre
About Membership
Membership is open to all persons interested in the welfare of children and youth, and who support the beliefs of Home & School as set out in the constitution and policy statements.
- Individual or family memberships are $20 per year.
- Once formed, each association has a $100 liability insurance fee annually.
- Includes membership in OFHSA (Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations) and the Canadian Federation of Home and Schools.
- Includes liability insurance coverage.