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Norwood Park

Electronic Devices at School

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Electronic Devices at School

Our student agendas read …

Electronic devices are to be kept locked in lockers at all times.  Students are allowed to use phones/devices in the safe zone outside of the office with their teacher’s permission, when required.  The use of electronics in the classroom will be directed/supervised by the classroom teacher for educational purposes only.  Electronic devices brought to school are the sole responsibility of the owner.  Students who do not follow the policy will have their devices placed in the main office for the duration of the day.  Repeat offenders will have their devices picked up, at the office, by a parent.

We all know that tremendous educational potential with iPads, phones, etc.  Sadly there is a darker side to the internet that we all want to protect our children from.  Cyber bullying and content that is sexist, racist or homophobic have no place in a school.  Phones and iPads, if not used respectfully can also be a distraction to learning.

Starting on Tuesday, February 20 the Norwood Park staff will begin to enforce the guidelines printed in the student agendas.  Advance notice is being given so that you can prepare your children.  Students will only be permitted to use their iPads/cell phones for educational purposes during instructional time.  Use of these and other devices will not be permitted on the school yard, in the hallways or during nutrition breaks.  Students are encouraged to have a lock on their locker so that they can safely secure their cell phone/iPad there.  Teachers WILL permit students to carry their electronic devices to class if they do not have a lock.  In this case students will be asked to power down their device.

As parents, please help us keep your children remain focused on learning by not calling or texting them during the school day.  If there is an important message you need to get to your child, please call the school office and we will relay that message to them.  If you want your child to call you, let the school know and we will gladly let them use one of the phones in the office.

Thank you for your help!

Updated on Friday, February 09, 2018.
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