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Mary Hopkins

Reorganization at Mary Hopkins

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Reorganization at Mary Hopkins

Hello Families,

Each fall, HWDSB reviews elementary student enrolment in schools and reorganizes staffing if actual enrolment differs from spring projections. It is normal for student enrolment to fluctuate.  Sometimes these fluctuations are large enough to require the school to reorganize the classrooms to accommodate the changes and meet provincial class size requirements.

Families who are affected by this change will receive a letter in their child’s backpack today.  The teacher will follow up with the classroom and students tomorrow.  Changes will be effective Monday, October 4, 2021.

Specifically, at Mary Hopkins, this year reorganization will mean:

  • Some students will move from Mrs. Winstanley’s and Mrs. Phillips Grade 1 classrooms to reduce class size
  • Mrs. Payson’s class will have additional Grade 3 students.  Some Grade 2 students will be reassigned.
  • Mrs. Arruda’s class will change to a Grade 1/2 class.  All Grade 3 students will be reassigned
  • Mrs. Haunton’s class will change to a Grade 3/4 class.  Some Grade 4 students will be reassigned
  • Mrs. Royle’s class will have additional Grade 4 students.

We apologize for any disruption this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

As always, our team of dedicated educators will work with you to ensure your child is well cared for and experiences educational success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.


Updated on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
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