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Mary Hopkins

Mary Hopkins News – Sept 10

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Mary Hopkins News – Sept 10

Hello Families,

Startup is only a few days away and our staff is eager to get the 2020 2021 school year underway.  A reminder that we start at 9:10 am and end at 3:30 pm each day.

What to Expect During the First Week –  During the first week, there will be a heavy focus on our new routines.  Students will be learning procedures such as entry and exit protocols, staying to the right, social distancing, and hand washing.  Additionally, we will be supporting our students with good practices regarding wearing a mask.  For families who have concerns regarding how their child will adapt to wearing a mask all day, know that you are not alone.  We understand that children will be familiar with wearing masks for short durations, but may not have worn their mask for a longer duration.  Our staff will be working with students in a supportive way to gain comfort and build their stamina around wearing facial masks.  Children may want to try a few types to determine which is most comfortable.  Please be aware that bandanas and gaiters are not considered to be masks.

Transportation – Transportation information will be shared with parents/guardians on Sunday, September 13. Parents are asked to check their email this weekend for communication from HWSTS.  Significant delays are expected for busing during the first few weeks.  “As we increased the number of drivers from last week and reduced the number of bus stops as families opted out of transportation or students learning remotely, we are still in a position where students may experience significant delays,” said Alex Johnstone, HWDSB Chair. “We will continue to work hard to find solutions to support families and get students to school on time.”

We will continue to keep you informed of information and updates.  Please be sure to call the school if you have any further questions.


Updated on Thursday, September 10, 2020.
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