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Mary Hopkins

May 18 – Virtual Learning Update

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May 18 – Virtual Learning Update

Hello Families

As staff continue to develop their virtual learning programs, they will be reaching out over the next few weeks to engage your child in live learning sessions such as small group audio conferencing, phone calls, or chat using board supported platforms.

This is an excellent opportunity to lay the foundation for positive digital citizenship practices.  To assist our students, teachers will review expectations similar to the way they would in the classroom.  Remind your child that virtual school behaviour expectations are no different than in-school expectations.

HWDSB has also created several family-friendly documents to support the privacy and security of all who engage in virtual learning.

HWDSB Virtual Classroom Guidelines for Privacy and Security

HWDSB Advice for Telepractice – Families

HWDSB Supporting and Securing Kids Online at Home

Take a moment to review these guidelines and feel free to discuss any questions or concerns with the school or teacher.

Updated on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
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