Announcements For Feb. 15th
A huge thank you to DJ DaSilva who gave up her time to not only create a playlist, but Dj for us yesterday!
Jazz band practice tomorrow at 7:45 am
Please remember our food drive ends tomorrow, so you still have time to get items in. The class who brings in the most items will be receiving a pizza party.
Report cards go home tomorrow. We are very proud of what our students have accomplished this past term and look forward to all to what is still to come.
Please remember that Monday there is no school because of the Family Day Holiday.
On Tuesday our girls will play their next playoff basketball game at Kanetskare starting at 3:45 pm
On Tuesday our boys will play their next playoff basketball game at Mt. Hope starting at 5:00 pm
Black History Month – Do you know that the 2024 Black History theme is “A Heritage to Celebrate, a Future to Build.”