- Respect and treat others as you would like to be treated and respected.
- Verbal and physical harassment are unacceptable. Bullying of any kind is not okay at Highview. Bystanders are expected to be part of a solution.
- Be respectful of all people and property in the school’s community:
- place garbage in proper containers
- do not deface or damage property
- snow stays on the ground
- stay within school boundaries
- display responsible citizenship
- no inappropriate language
- Play co-operatively indoors and on the playground in a safe and responsible manner.
- Seek teacher assistance to resolve conflicts peacefully if you cannot problem-solve on your own.
- Stay seated and eat your lunch quietly. For indoor lunch recess, any use of media resources must be teacher approved.
- Please walk in a safe and orderly manner in the hallways on the right hand side.
- Please walk your bikes, scooters, and skateboards on school property.
- No weapons of any sort, including imitation or toys are to be on school property.
Updated on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.