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Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities of Students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians and Principals/Vice-Principals


Teachers Parents/Guardians Students
* to know how they are performing
* to receive timely marking/grading
* to have opportunities to improve their work
* to get feedback which is formative
* to understand how they are being evaluated prior to the evaluation
* to be fully prepared for all assessment and evaluation experiences
* to receive information from teachers about school subject assessment, and evaluations policies
* to expect students to take charge of their own learning as active partners
* to receive student submissions on time
* to receive student submissions that reflect a student’s best work
* to have students and parents/guardians accept their professional judgment regarding   assessment and evaluation
* to have adequate training and in-service to implement sound assessment and evaluation policies
* to know on a regular and frequent basis how their child is performing
* to know how their child is being assessed
* to be able to contact teachers for advice or & information regarding their child’s progress
* to be informed through their child and/or teacher about course requirements, assessment and evaluation, and due dates for submission of work evaluation, and due date for submission of work.
Student Teacher Parents/Guardians
* to respect the rights of others
* to complete all work to the best of their ability
* to submit work to teachers on time
* to be active partners in the learning and assessment process
* to take all opportunities to improve work after receiving feedback
* to participate in remediation opportunities as offered
* to review school and subject assessment and   evaluation policies and relate these to   their parents
* to inform teachers about scheduled   absences and to ensure the completion of missed work
* to recognize and celebrate personal success
* to share the responsibility of maintaining a positive school atmosphere
* respect and follow school rules, bus and lunchroom behaviour guidelines
* dress appropriately based on the school Dress Code
* to initiate contact with parents/ guardian if and when difficulties arise
* to prepare students fully for assessment and evaluation tasks
* to grade and return student work,   in a timely manner
* to be familiar with, and implement, assessment and   evaluation practices that are   consistent with the Ministry and Board Policies
* to implement assessment   and evaluation practices that are fair to all students
* to report to parents/guardians as required
* to keep parents/guardians fully informed regarding the progress of   their child
* to recognize and celebrate student success
* clearly model and discuss acceptable behaviour with their students on an on-going basis
* deal with unacceptable student behaviour in a fair and consistent manner, maintain respect, courtesy
* to be familiar with and support the Code of Conduct
* to initiate contact with teacher if and when difficulties arise
* to ensure that their child competes all work assigned for homework
* to monitor the progress of their child
* to act as a partner in the learning process
* to take advantage of   interview opportunities provided at parent interview nights
* to ensure that students spend time at home preparing for evaluation
* to know a bout, and monitor, due   dates for   submission of work
* to recognize and celebrate their student’s success
* to ensure that their child arrives at school on time

Responsibilities – Principal/ Vice-Principal:

  • to initiate and assist in the development of a positive and safe learning environment and enforce the Ontario Code of Conduct
  • to initiate the establishment of an accepted and understood School Discipline Policy developed co-operatively by staff, students and   parents deal with unacceptable behaviour in a fair and consistent manner
Updated on Wednesday, April 25, 2018.
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