School councils are governed by the Ontario Regulation 612 which sets out the purpose, membership and election requirements for school councils. Under section 2 (1),
Every school must have a School Council and members include:
- Parents (must comprise the majority of the membership)
- Principal
- Teacher from the school
- Student (in high schools with some provisions for student membership in elementary schools)
- Non-Teaching staff member
- Community representative(s) appointed by the council
- Home and School Association representative from the school (if a Home and School Association is a partner at the school)
School Councils have voting members:
- Chair or Co-Chairs (must be parent members
- Other possible roles (at the discretion of the Council)
- Members (see above). Note: Once voting membership is established, School Council must have quorum to vote. Quorum is 50% of the voting membership plus one.
School Council Letter to School Community 2024-2025
School Council Dates 2024-2025
Nora Henderson School Council Nomination Form 2024-2025
Updated on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.