Winona News – Feb 25
Upcoming Dates
Feb 28 – Pink Shirt Day – a day focused on bullying prevention and intervention.
Feb 29 – Pizza Day
March is Greek Heritage Month
Mar 1 – PA Day Postponed to April 8
Mar 5 – Kernel’s Popcorn
Mar 7 – Pita Day
Mar 11 – Ramadan Begins
Mar 11 – 15 – March Break
Fire Alarm Follow-Up – We wanted to provide you with some follow-up information regarding the recent fire alarm activation at our school. Over the weekend, the school board electricians were on-site diligently working to address the issue that caused the fire alarm to be activated. We understand that many of our students may have come home talking about their eventful day due to the alarm. Our dedicated staff was focused on our student’s well-being and did an amazing job during our time outside. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
Pink Shirt Day – On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, HWDSB students and staff will join together in recognizing Pink Shirt Day. Wearing a pink shirt is one small but powerful way for us to show that we are committed to recognizing bullying of all kinds and that it has no place in our schools and communities. This year’s focus on Pink Shirt Day is centred around the theme of “lift each other up”. At Winona, we will use this week to engage in classroom conversations, activities and school-wide announcements. Visit the following links for more information regarding this day as well as resources for families. Letter to Adult (Conversation Starter) Pink Shirt Day | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)
Prom Project – HWDSB is thrilled to bring back Prom Project for 2024! Prom Project is a “pop-up shop” style event that provides students from across Hamilton the opportunity to pick out formal wear for proms, graduations, banquets, and other special events, free of charge. Registration will close at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10. Click here to register for an appointment. Donation locations are now open too! Donations will be accepted until Friday, April 5. Click here to find the closest donation location to you.
Last Call for Donations – We wrap up our February fundraising this week. If you are still interested in supporting two new programs at Winona (Healthy Snack Program and Imaginarium), we ask you to visit the following link (Donate | Foundation (hwdsb.on.ca)) to donate to The Hamilton Foundation for Students Success, the non-profit outreach of HWDSB. Please indicate Winona School (Healthy Snack Program and/or Imaginarium) in the Additional Comments box and 100% of the funds donated will go to the school. Thank you in advance and we look forward to bringing these resources to Winona students.
Updated on Sunday, February 25, 2024.