We have changed our communication from monthly newsletters to weekly posts on our web site. Please make sure you subscribe to the Templemead site.
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking forward to an outstanding year at Templemead where our focus is to ‘Care, Believe and Learn’. Our entire staff is to be commended for all of their hard work in preparing their classrooms and the school for your children. We hope you have had a great summer with your families and friends. We look forward to helping your children be curious and creative to see all the possibilities in their learning socially, emotionally and academically. Thank you to Mr. Oosterlinck and his team of caretakers. Templemead’s halls and classrooms are sparkling. Thank you also to Ms. Snelling and Mrs. Pinnock for their leadership and organization in the office. We are pumped and ready for another year of teaching and learning with your children.
School begins at 8:55 a.m. and concludes at 3:15 p.m. Please know that the playground is supervised 15 minutes before school and 15 minutes after school. We would ask that if your child is walking or being dropped off that you are aware of these times for his or her safety. Please avoid dropping students off at the front doors in the morning. It is important to keep the bus loading zone free from traffic and we are encouraging students to arrive before the bell and enter with their respective classes at the back playground. Also, this is a no-stopping zone which is monitored by by-law officers to keep clear for fire safety reasons.
Additionally, it is extremely important to be at school on time as it creates a sense of calm, decreases interruptions in the class and promotes a team atmosphere as classes enter the school together. First nutrition break is from 10:35-11:15 a.m. and the second nutrition break is from 12:55-1:35 p.m. Students will be allowed to go home for lunch ONLY during the second nutrition break (please complete the appropriate form) which aligns with our afternoon attendance check.
We are aiming to reduce the number of interruptions in class learning time and therefore, we are respectfully asking parents to not request their children to be dismissed during the last 30 minutes of the day (2:45-3:15pm).
Courtesy Transportation:
Students who live less than 1.6 km from our school who wish to be considered for courtesy transportation (bussing) are required to complete an application form each year. Please come in to the office and complete this form by September 14th. We really appreciate your patience in this process. Please know that we are striving to review and approve applications by September 29th. If approved, we will connect with you personally to confirm your starting date.
School Council and Volunteers:
We look forward to seeing many of you at our first Templemead School Council meeting on September 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the library. We will establish the new School Council for the 2019-2020 school year. Nomination forms have been sent home with your children. Please return forms to the office if you are interested in joining School Council. We welcome all parents and community members; this is a great opportunity to learn together and provide community input to the principal and vice-principal on issues affecting Templemead.
We welcome and value the important role volunteers play in helping children learn and we are always on the look-out for more assistance. Volunteers will be needed for school trips throughout the year. We are no longer able to have parents volunteer on trips without an up to date police check on file at the school. Every volunteer requires a current police check on file and an interview with the principal/vice-principal to discuss availability and the matching of school needs with volunteer preferences. If you are interested in being a volunteer at the school please make an appointment with either Mrs. Barlow or Mr. Hopkins at any time during the school year.
Nutrition Update:
Pizza Days will resume on September 19th. The cost is $1.50/slice for whole wheat cheese pizza or pepperoni. If students wish to purchase pizza please bring money in on Tuesday morning. We will be offering School Cash On-line options for pizza starting in October.
- Please remember that we must follow the HWDSB Nutrition Policy
- Please do not send in treats to celebrate your child’s birthday, please connect with your child’s teacher for alternative plans if you wish.
- ·We are permitted to have ten school-wide nutrition exemption days which allows for greater flexibility with respect to food choices
- Our first school- wide nutrition exemption day (out of a possible 10) will be on Tuesday, October 31st.
- Additionally, please do not send any food with nut products as we have children with severe nut allergies at Templemead
- We are extremely grateful and fortunate to have a ‘Grab & Go’ programme at Templemead led by Ms. Manousos and student volunteers. Healthy snacks (yogurt, cheese strings, cereal, fruit, etc.) are provided for all students every morning during entry time.
Safe Welcome Program:
- All exterior school doors will be locked during the instructional day, and visitors will access the school during school hours through the main entrance. (Please ring the bell on the far right side, introduce yourself and then we will ‘buzz’ you in)
- Please note that we will continue to ask visitors to report to the office for sign-in and wear identification at all times.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the school if you know your child is going to be absent due to illness or an appointment. Please connect with us at (905) 383-8348 so we know your child is safe.
- If you wish your child to be excused early during the day please either call the school or write a note in your child’s agenda so we can update this information in Power School (attendance tracking software).
Family and School Connections:
Communication is the key to a great partnership between home and school. Parent involvement is a key ingredient for student learning and achievement. We value your thoughts and time you spend to help your child to be successful. As always, if any concerns arise, please don’t hesitate to connect with your child’s teacher at 905-383-8348.
Please let us know if your child will be absent or late by leaving a message. Please take the time to check our updated school web site for upcoming events and information.
Also, in an effort to become more environmentally friendly, we will be moving away from the traditional monthly newsletter and enhancing our communication with weekly updates on the Templemead website:
Due to new anti-spam laws with respect to email lists, we will communicate ongoing events through our web site. Please take the time to ‘Subscribe’ on the Templemead site to ‘follow’ any updates. When changes are made to the site you will be emailed to let you know there is new information. Additionally, we will be using our automated phone out system and notes home when appropriate.
Please complete all forms and send back to the school by September 13th. Throughout the year please let us know if your contact information changes so we have current information in the case of an emergency.
Student Agendas:
The student agenda is a great communication tool for parents and teachers (Gr. 1-8). It is also used as an organizational tool for students to help them prioritize and track both short and long term assignments. We purchased the agendas with the help of School Council by using funds raised from our Pizza Days and therefore there is no cost to you.
Upcoming Key Dates:
Please see our calendar on the school website which shows upcoming dates for the entire year. This calendar will be updated on a weekly basis.
The following link will provide more information on the religious days of significance in H.W.D.S.B. These dates are also on the Templemead web site.
The Templemead staff is looking forward to a happy, safe and successful year with you and your children. As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to call us.
Templemead Office Staff