Bell Times
8:55 AM - 3:15 PM
Gregg Williamson - 905-383-8348 | Email
Paul Zadvorny | Email
Adnan Shahbaz - 905.527.5092 x 2622 | E-mail Adnan ShahbazTrustee
Kathy Archer - 289.339.0587 | E-mail Kathy ArcherAdministrative Office Staff
- Ms. Snelling, Office Administrator
- Mrs. Pinnock, Office Assistant
Our School
Together, every student achieves success! This is our vision.
Built in 2003, Templemead School has students who live in the Templemead and Eleanor Park residential areas. We currently have approximately 600 students ranging from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Eight. Also, our school presently has two portables on its site.
Templemead School has a very supportive, and active School Council who helps us to fundraise and organize community events such as ‘movie nights’.
Templemead School supports the development of the ‘whole’ child and this includes the areas of academics, athletics and emotional/behavioural development. Our students, and staff, CARE, BELIEVE and LEARN in themselves and others.
The development or improvement of literacy and numeracy skills in our students continues to be our primary academic goal and the school continues to plan so that together, every student achieves success!
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- Early Success Programs commencing at the Kindergarten level
- Intervention Programs for Grades K-8 in Literacy and Numeracy
- Homework Club during nutrition breaks for intermediate students
- Book Fair
- Adult Volunteers to support student learning
Program Highlights
A major focus at Templemead is improving the literacy levels of our students. By providing a variety of intervention and regular programs, and using a number of unique teaching strategies by our dedicated staff, our students succeed. Student success at all levels is very important at Templemead whether it is developing oral and written language beginning in the Kindergarten program or becoming capable, independent learners in the senior grades.
Our comprehensive literacy program includes an emphasis on modeled, shared, guided and independent reading and writing. Literacy and numeracy teaching blocks are also incorporated in our timetable.
Professional Learning Communities exist in our school structure. Teachers have regular grade and divisional meetings to discuss student achievement and teaching strategies that can be used to allow our students to learn to their full potential.
- School Varsity Teams for both boys and girls at the Junior and Intermediate levels (e.g. Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Soccer, Track, Swimming, Cross Country)
- Band
- School Council
- Intramural Sports
- Homework Club
- Grab & Go nutrition programme
- Lunch Room Helpers
- Stage Crew
Daycare providers:
Umbrella Family and Child Center (Before, During and After School Programs)
Brenda Parker- (905) 383-9004
Our School Plan:
We are currently updating this section of our profile
Updated on Wednesday, September 04, 2024.