Bell Times
9:15 AM - 3:35 PM
Fatima Ziric - 905-662-2297 | Email
Lauren McCabe | Email
Paul Denomme - 905.527.5092 x 2361 | E-mail Paul DenommeTrustee
Kathy Archer - 289.339.0587 | E-mail Kathy ArcherSchool Council Chair
Carrie Meyer
Administrative Office Staff
Carla Fidanza – Office Administrator
Brandy Hyslop – Office Assistant
Our School
Tapleytown Public School is located in East Hamilton on Stoney Creek Mountain. The original one-room stone school house was built in 1881. While many one-room schools in the area were being closed, additions were added to Tapleytown in 1956, 1959, 1964 and again in 1966 to accommodate increasing enrolment.
The school is very well established and families of many generations have called Tapleytown their neighbourhood school.
Although Tapleytown still retains the atmosphere of a country school, it has also kept apace with modernization. EQAO scores tend to exceed both Board and Provincial standards. The staff, students and parents of Tapleytown School are dedicated to academic success and care about each other.
We are committed to:
- providing a safe and friendly place to learn and grow
being the best that we can be - helping each other learn because we all learn differently
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- Learning Resource Teacher
- Empower Reading Program
- Speech/Language Pathologist Support
- Itinerant ESL Teacher
- Social Work Phone Support
- Special Education Consultant
- Psychoeducational Consultant
- Itinerant ExSL (behaviour) teacher
Program Highlights
- Empower Reading Program
- Book Room
Before/After School Program or Activities
Today’s Family Child Care offers before and after school care programs.
Please find more info in the “Before and After School Care” tab on our website.
Program & Community Involvement
Parent Responsibilities
- School Council
- School Volunteers: Special Lunch Days, Educational Excursions, Athletics, Fundraising
- School Council support for class trips, books, special equipment, parental engagement
Suggestions for Parents:
- Help your child establish a homework routine (e.g. regular time every night)
- Help set up a learning place for doing homework in your home for your child
- Promote independence i.e., allow students to attempt assignments independently
- Attempt to assist students when requested or needed
- Encourage and monitor consistent use of the agenda planner
- Assist your child in time management on larger projects and self-assigned work
- Communicate with the teacher if you have concerns about homework or assignments
- Encourage and praise your child for effective homework habits
- Look at your child’s agenda planners on a regular basis checking for long term assignments or study schedules
- Help your child to set specific goals for learning i.e., monthly reading goal
- Support student learning by ensuring that your child attends school regularly, well rested and well nourished