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Students of the Week – Mar. 22-26

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Students of the Week – Mar. 22-26

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for March 22-26, 2021!

Xavier Ms. Savi 1. For actively participating in Place Value Scoot games.
2. Creating a perspective drawing with minimal supervision.
3. Learning subtraction by using the Number line.
Abbigail Mrs. McNabb Great class participation!
Jackson Miss Graham For staying focused during the lesson!
Jaeleah Mme. McDonald True to her French last name, Jaeleah is a natural French speaker!  She speaks loud and clear and even helps others with their oral pronunciation! Tu es magnifique Jaeleah!
Jana Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Montecalvo Jana has done an amazing job every morning with her “Just Right” literacy book. When reading Jana finger points to each word,and is excited when she forms those sounds into words! Way to go Jana!
Sumayah Mr. Levantis For working well during independent classroom activities and asking for assistance when needed.
Inara Mrs. Popovic Having a great start in our class as a new student
Sara Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For a great transition back into the classroom and great work with her literacy. Keep it up!
Kristofer Mr. S. Kuczerepa Kris has demonstrated expert understanding of the Cartesian Grid System during our recent Geometry unit.
Hannah Mr. Laidman Hannah has really improved her results in Mathematics.
Nicole Mrs. Goehner Great job building with gears.
Mason Mrs. Saigeon For sharing his knowledge and experiences raising chicks with our class.
Chloe Mr. Lewis For her dramatic turn-around in terms of attitude, effort and engagement.
Updated on Friday, March 26, 2021.
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