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Students of the Week – Jan. 25-28

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Students of the Week – Jan. 25-28

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for January 25-28, 2021!

Kiptyn 4/5 Mme. McDonald For being a great digital citizen, a natural a born leader and an amazing French language learner!
Ruby 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Ruby has recently achieved some very strong academic marks in math, grammar and writing.
Gabrielle JKSK-A Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For outstanding work in the classroom and online. Your hard work shows in your amazing writing and overall effort in the class. Keep it up!
Abigail 6/7l Lewis For her sophisticated autobiography project.
Idahosa FDKC Montecalvo-Kitchen Idahosa has been a great contributor both in the virtual classroom and at home. He likes helping his mom clean and doing “stuff” with his dad. Idahosa said”I like school…it will grow my brain”.
Aras 1/2 Mrs. Popovic for being an active learner in all areas especially our measurement unit.
Kayla Gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Her great job completing and submitting all her assignments especially her science experiments.
Deyan 3A Mrs. McNabb For great class participation.
Sadie 7/8A Mr. Hawley For excellent work on her musical line assignment
Jesse Grade 3/4 A Mr. Levantis For helping with online technical support and for participation during classes.
Ahmad 2A Mr. Perry Always good at asking questions during class lessons and trying to work independently day to day!!
Updated on Thursday, January 28, 2021.
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