Principal Roles and Responsibilities
Principals will hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful, responsible behaviour and will take a daily leadership role when they:
- Demonstrate care and commitment to academic excellence in a safe teaching and learning environment
- Hold everyone under their authority accountable for their behaviour
- Empower students to be positive leaders in the school & community
- Communicate regularly and meaningfully with all members of school community
- Model respect, responsibility, and civility, and ensuring these are taught as part of the curriculum
- Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students
- Model character attributes of the HWDSB
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Teachers and school staff will hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful/responsible behaviour when they:
- Help students work to their full potential and self-worth
- Empower students to be leaders in class, school, and community
- Communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents
- Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students
- Demonstrate respect for all members of the school community
- Prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship
- Model the character attributes for the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
Student Roles and Respnsibilities
Students demonstrate respect and responsibility when they:
- Come to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn
- Show respect for themselves, others and those in authority
- Refrain from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of self and others
- Demonstrate responsibility for actions or behaviour off school property or outside the school day that would have an impact on the school climate
- Follow the established rules and take responsibility for their own actions
- Model the character attributes of the HWDSB
- Demonstrate appropriate participation in the civic life of the community
Parent Roles and Responsibilities
Parents support a safe and respectful learning environment when they:
- Show and active interest in their child’s school work and progress
- Communicate regularly with the school
- Help their child be neat, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school
- Ensure their child attend school regularly and on time
- Promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival
- Become familiar with the Code of Conduct and the school rules
- Encourage and assist their child in following the rules of behaviour
- Assist staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child
Updated on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.