Parents, Visitors, and Volunteers
Parents, visitors, and volunteers are requested to enter only through the front door of the school, sign in at the office, and obtain a visitor’s badge when visiting the school. Sign-in is not required if you are picking up a student from the office or if you need some assistance or information. This will assist in the following ways:
- We can help you more directly with any concerns or requests.
- Classroom instruction is not interrupted and teachers are able to focus on student supervision and instruction of all students.
- It ensures the safety of all students in our school.
- We can monitor student attendance with arrivals and early dismissals.
In order to avoid student injury, we ask that pets are not brought on school property.
Please ensure that trip forms are signed and returned to the school by the due date. Phone lines must be kept open for emergencies. Student safety may be compromised by blocking the phone lines on the day of the trip if we need to attain verbal permission. Please let the office know if you require assistance, as we feel no child should be left behind for financial reasons.
Internet Usage
Students are expected to follow instructions and search appropriate sites on the internet. Failure to do so may jeopardize or limit their use of computers at school. Please review & submit the Media Consent form located in the parent portal
Nutrition Policy
As per the Board’s Nutrition Policy, schools must serve foods which are within the nutrition guidelines. For more information, please visit the Ministry’s website. For fund raising purposes, Rosedale School offers students various healthy food choices such as whole wheat pizza and popcorn. Other foods may be enjoyed during the ten designated Special Event Days. Rather than sweets, parents may bring fruit or vegetable trays if they wish to celebrate their child’s birthday with the class. Many students have nut allergies. Please check food labels to ensure that foods brought into the school are nut free. It is vital that your child’s lunch or snack does not contain traces of nuts.