Welcome back to all Millgrove students and families! Millgrove School staff is ready for whatever the 2024-2025 school year brings us. There are 2-40 minute nutrition breaks for eating and outdoor activity. Nutrition breaks are from 10:25-11:05 in the morning and from 1:05-1:45 in the afternoon.
Educators will focus on student well-being and developing students’ reading and mathematics skills as well their problem-solving skills in academic areas and social situations. In support of our Literacy and Numeracy goals, we will continue to have as few interruptions to learning time as possible. Announcements are online and we try not to interrupt classrooms during the school day in order to provide students with maximum learning time. Research has shown that increased time on task is an important factor in student success. We are asking that you help your children be on time and prepared to learn each and every day. Please make sure that you make arrangements for any changes to end-of-day school pick-up prior to the start of the school day as classes will not be interrupted unless there is an emergency. We are trying to minimize transitions and most specialized support will occur in the classrooms rather than having students withdrawn. Specialist teachers will be contacting the parents of students involved in our Tier 2 intervention strategies, such as Empower Reading, to provide information about these programs.
Millgrove School desires to promote positive peer relations and prevent bullying and harassment of any members of the school community. To this end, the Millgrove school community (staff, parents and students) continues to proactively initiate anti-bullying strategies. The community and school will promote positive behaviour and respond quickly to bullying. The Millgrove Code of Conduct is:
Be kind and use kind words in a kind way;
Be safe and keep your hands and feet to yourself;
Be respectful and listen to each other;
Be responsible for your choices and actions;
Be accepting of others’ difference and ideas.
Please review the code of conduct with your child as we continue to strive to make the school a safe place to learn and grow.
This year, we will continue with a 5-day cycle. This means that students will have physical education, French or another specialty subject on a scheduled day, 1 through 5, rather than a specific day of the week. Classroom Hub pages, outlining schedules, will be active when school starts. We encourage you to check your child’s Hub page regularly regarding the expectations of their classroom. The Millgrove website is updated regularly and we encourage you to subscribe – http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/millgrove/.
It is very important that you use School Messenger if your child will be late or absent from school for the safe arrival check. School Messenger is available 24 hours to report absences and lates at 1-844-506-4350 or through the SchoolMessenger app (free) – download the app from the store or go to https://go.schoolmessenger.ca; tap Sign Up to create your account; select Attendance from the menu, and then select Report Absence.
Web and Mobile Web – go to go.schoolmessenger.ca. Click Sign Up to create your account; select Attendance from the menu, and then select Report Absence.
If your child is arriving late to school, please ring the buzzer and your child will be admitted to the school. Children will go to their classroom independently and their educator will note their late arrival on their attendance.
For information regarding the school bus please visit the Hamilton Wentworth Student Transportation Services website https://www.hamiltonschoolbus.ca/
You will find information regarding bus delays and bus routing for your child. Please note that the school is not notified when a bus is running late. Parents and caregivers can check the website or contact HWSTS: Phone: 905-523-2318, Toll-free: 800-691-6402. You can sign up for late bus notifications on the HWSTS website under the parent portal.
We encourage parents to get involved at Millgrove. The first School Council meeting will take place on September 24, 2024.
Updated on Friday, May 31, 2024.