Bell Times
8:10 AM - 2:30 PM
Jennifer Robertson-Heath - 905-573-9113 | Email
Paul Denomme - 905.527.5092 x 2361 | E-mail Paul DenommeTrustee
Kathy Archer - 289.339.0587 | E-mail Kathy ArcherSchool Council Chair
- Lindsay Devereux
Administrative Office Staff
- Mrs. Harte
- Ms. D’Alimonte (LTO)
Our School
Janet Lee School, home of the Jaguars! Janet Lee, built in 1987, is located in the Heritage Green area of Upper Stoney Creek. The school is named in honour of Janet Lee who was one of the founders of the world famous Women’s Institute and was also responsible for setting up the first Kindergarten in Hamilton. The school serves students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Our current student population is approximately 475 students.
Every year we continue to welcome new students to the school as families move into our area. Aligned with the Board focus, Janet Lee has a very strong emphasis on literacy across the curriculum. Comprehensive literacy within protected language blocks is built in to the daily structure. To support our commitment to the best early education program possible, we provide access to Reading Intervention, and supported guided reading in Grades 1, 2 & 3. Within grades 4 through 8, there are flexible leveled groupings to support the language and mathematics programs. Collaboration among grade partners assures a strong, consistent program at all levels.
The School Council and all School personnel work together using their invaluable expertise to assist and enrich Jane Lee’s school learning environment. We all focus on a common goal to create and produce life long learners who will contribute back to society as well-rounded citizens in a safe and respectful environment.
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- LLI Reading Intervention at Grade 1
- Empower! Reading Intervention targeted at Grade 2
- In class reading intervention by Learning Resource teachers daily
- Student Leadership Initiatives for Junior and Intermediate students including Community Involvement expectations and supports
Program Highlights
- Focus on consolidating the core skills of literacy. Strategies include: implementation of an uninterrupted block of time for comprehensive literacy; baseline assessment for all students; the use of various instructional strategies that address higher order thinking skills and help to organize student ideas; professional development and resources for teachers, and improved information for parents.
- Strong learning skills are required for success in every aspect of school and are indicators of HOW students learn rather than WHAT they learn
- Professional Development provided by staff to colleagues
- Collaboration between and among grade partners to provide consistent program across each grade
- Focus on data analysis to inform instruction
- Student leadership is the foundation of all school initiatives that benefit our student population and community
- Divisional Learning Teams to support the development of literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum
- Focus on the development of Differentiated Instruction
- Ongoing formal and informal social skills focus
- Rich Program specific field trips
- Special Education support programs including: Student Support Centre, Resource &/or Withdrawal Support
- Music curricular and co-curricular opportunities
- Enrichment and transitions opportunities in conjunction with Saltfleet High School
- Monthly celebration assemblies to develop and maintain a sense of community
- Band
- Cross Country Team
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Intramural sports and games
- Student Leadership: Lunchroom Monitors, Library Helpers, Bus Buddies and more ….
- Daily Physical Activity (DPA)
- Math After School Programs for Intermediate Students
- Volunteer Tea
- Various community outreach and fundraising projects
Before/After School Program or Activities
- Extracurricular sports
- Extracurricular Clubs as above
- Student Success group focusing on Learning Skills
- Grade 7 and 8 After School Numeracy Program
- Partnership with the YMCA School Age After School Program housed within Janet Lee School
- Various trips to enhance the curriculum
Our School Plan
Reading Comprehension
- Professional dialogue through Learning Team Time (job imbedded, team meetings, staff meetings)
- Implementation of the directions and strategies contained in the Expert Panel Reports and Technical Guides
- Analysis and program direction of the EDI data and application of the new Kindergarten Document in JK/SK
- DRA assessment across all divisions
- Timetabling for protected literacy
- Reading Intervention programs consistently in place for all students
Reasoning and the Organization of Ideas in Written Language
- Implementation of Write Traits Writing Program
- On-going tracking of writing levels throughout the year
Assessment and Evaluation
- Implementation of MOE’s Assessment and Evaluation Guidelines
- Development and use of common grade level performance assessment tasks
Key Strategies:
Use of math resources to develop effective mathematical classroom strategies
Teaching and modeling the use of mathematical language, problem-solving techniques, application of real life connections, increase the use of manipulatives to support student understanding of concepts and practice math exemplars for EQAO assessment
Offer differentiated math instruction utilizing a variety of math resources and tools (e.g., manipulatives, math story books, teacher resource books, black line masters from the Ministry’s Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics)
60-minute block of explicit math instruction per day timetabled for all students.
Staff collaboration to plan and implement a problem solving based mathematics program
Environment Focus
- Promote a positive school climate in a safe and supportive environment while focusing on the correlates of Time on Task, Opportunities to Learn and Safe and Orderly Environment
- Communication with parents via newsletters, school sign
- Practice of Active supervision during all unstructured times (focus on prevention of incidents)
- Selected learning skills per month
- Continue to recognize accomplishments of Leaders in Learning
- Active recess training and leaders for safe playground activities
Parent & Community Involvement
- Hamilton Police Services
- Partnership with Famo Pizza & Wings
- Neighbour to Neighbour Partnership
- Canadian Cancer Society – Terry Fox Run
- Saltfleet Secondary – Coop Students
- Ridgeview Long Term Care Centre
- Brock University, Nipissing University, Lakehead University, Medaille College, Mohawk College, D’Youville College – Student Teacher and Educational Assistant Associates
Janet Lee School Council deals with Board and School initiatives and parental concerns and suggestions while ensuring all students achieve their full potential by encouraging growth for all those involved in the school. The groups meet once per month throughout the school year and actively recruit new members and attendees through continuous interaction and encouragement with all parents and caregivers in our community.
We are always trying to encourage involvement, whether it be through Parent Teacher Nights, volunteer initiatives, evening activities (guest speakers), parental questionnaires and handouts.
Located on Stoney Creek Mountain, Janet Lee is currently experiencing development and changes in the area. Our council actively pursues information about these changes and informs the community as needed. We invite local developers and councillors to our school to inform the community on changes to the area. Our focus through all this is to ensure, while working in conjunction with school administration and teachers, the success of all those who attend Janet Lee.