Here are your School Council Members For 2017 – 2018
Chair: Mike Palma
Vice Chair Joseph Kazubek
Treasurer: Susan Clarke
Secretary: Volunteer Needed
Member: Rania Abdelhady
Member: Monica Almas
Member: Katherine Burch
Member: Leigh Anne Chapman
Member: Maricel Fair
Member: Ava Mamkak
Member: Emilie Michalik
Member: Laura Redmond
School Principal: Erin Burch-Jones
Teacher Rep: Melanie Lupal
Non Teacher Rep: Lori Miller
Community Rep: Barbara Chapman
Please feel free to talk with any council member should you have questions,
suggestions, concerns or just to say hi !
Updated on Monday, October 15, 2018.
School Principal: Erin Burch-Jones
Teacher Rep: Melanie Lupal
Non Teacher Rep: Lori Miller
Community Rep: Barbara Chapman
Please feel free to talk with any council member should you have questions,
suggestions, concerns or just to say hi !
Updated on Monday, October 15, 2018.