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HWDSB Building

October 2023 Updates

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October 2023 Updates

Orange Shirt Day – National Day For Truth and Reconciliation

At HWDSB, we respect the longstanding relationships with the neighbouring and host nations, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Six Nations of the Grand River. We also acknowledge the vibrant and diverse urban Indigenous community in Hamilton. Saturday, September 30, 2023, is Orange Shirt Day, which is also known as National Day for Truth and
Reconciliation. We encourage HWDSB students and staff to wear orange to school and work on Friday, September 29 to honour survivors of Residential Schools and to center the importance of intergenerational healing and wellness. For students and staff who do not have an orange shirt, and wish to participate, Orange Shirt Day stickers will be provided.

If you are unfamiliar with the story of Phyllis Webstad, Indian Residential School Survivor of St. Joseph Mission (SJM) Residential School in British Columbia, and why we wear orange shirts, please click here.

School Reorganization 2023/24

Each fall, HWDSB reviews elementary student enrolment in schools, and reorganizes staffing if actual enrolment differs from spring projections. It is normal for student enrolment to fluctuate a little.

This year, the fall reorganization is more widespread due to the in-person/remote option for students, as well as the ongoing need to meet provincial class size requirements.

Specifically, at our school, the reorganization will mean:

  • The closing of one of our kindergarten classrooms which will mean Mrs. Augustine and Mr. Blanche will be leaving Helen Detwiler and be placed at another school. Ms. Sampson will remain at Helen Detwiler in a kindergarten prep coverage role. As a result, Mrs. Evelyn will be teaching with Mrs. Mioc and students in Mrs. Evelyn’s and Mr. Blanche’s existing class will be moved to the remaining 3 kindergarten classrooms and will receive an individual letter at the end of the day on Friday September 29th with their new class placements.
  • Existing classes which are not closing but are over class size caps need to be re-balanced. As a result, approximately 10 students will be rebalanced across our classrooms from grade 1 to 4. Students impacted by rebalancing will be receiving an individual letter at the end of the day on Friday, September 29th.

We apologize for any disruption this may cause and appreciate your understanding. As always, our team of dedicated educators will work with you to ensure your child is well cared for and
experiences educational success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.

School Council Elections

Every school in Ontario is required to have a School Council to work collaboratively with the principal/vice-principal to improve student achievement and to enhance accountability of the school with parents. We welcome all parents/guardians/caregivers who are willing to volunteer their time to participate on our School Council for the 2023-2024 school year.

School Councils must hold annual elections to identify voting members and various positions such as School Council Chair. Elected members vote on School Council matters and represent the group’s ideas and advisory suggestions for the Principal. Please note that you do not have to be an elected member of School Council to attend meetings. All meetings are open to all parents/guardians who wish to attend.

To declare your interest to become an elected member of School Council, please click on and complete the following online nomination form. You may also nominate another parent/guardian of a student at our school to become an elected School Council member. All nomination forms must be submitted by Monday October 16th, 4:00 pm  in order to be elected to Council.

Our school council elections/meeting date has changed will take place in-person on Tuesday October 17th, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. in our school library/learning commons.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Meet the Educator Event – Save the Date!

Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023

Time: 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Location: Outside! (Paved area behind the school)

More information about the event will be shared soon!

Pizza Day

Pizza Day will be every WEDNESDAY, starting October 4, 2023. School Cash Online payments will be due SUNDAY before (i.e. October 1st) and cash payment will be due the TUESDAY before (i.e. October 3rd). ****NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ON ACCEPTED ON PIZZA DAY****

Pizza will be $2 per slice with the option of cheese or peperoni (Halal). If you have any dietary restrictions, please contact the office. If you are paying cash each student must provide exact change to their teacher.  To make things easier we recommend signing up for School Cash Online at  SchoolCashOnline.com: Welcome

Terry Fox Event

Our Terry Fox Event will take place on Friday, October 13th. More information will be sent home with students in a letter.

Ways to Donate:

  1.  Online https://schools.terryfox.ca/HelenDetwilerESHamilton
  2. Order a t-shirt using cash, cheque, or School Cash Online
  3. Send in Toonies for Terry and other small cash donations (Thursday, Oct. 5 to Friday Oct. 13) There will also be a donation table at Meet the Educator Night.



Updated on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
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