Our next School Council meeting will be held this Thursday January 16th @6:00-7:00 pm in the Greensville School Library. Please see the agenda attached. Last month’s meeting minutes will be posted once approved during Thursday’s meeting. A virtual link is also available, please see below.
Greensville School Council 2024_2025_ January Meeting Agenda.
Our next School Council meeting will be held this Thursday October 17th @6:00-7:00 pm in the Greensville School Library. Please see the agenda attached. Last month’s meeting minutes will be posted once approved during Thursday’s meeting. A virtual link is also available. Please contact [email protected] to request virtual access.
Greensville School Council 2024_2025_ October Meeting Minutes (1)
Greensville School Council 2024_2025_ October Meeting Agenda
Our first School Council meeting of the 2024-25 school year is fast approaching. Please join us Tuesday September 24th @6:00-7:30 pm in the Greensville School library. Council elections and updates will take place. A1 Pizza is generously providing pizza for the meeting. Please access the agenda using the link below. Thank you.
Greensville School Council 2024_2025_ September Meeting Minutes
Greensville School Council 2024_2025_ September Meeting Agenda
Greensville Parent Council – May Minutes – 16.5.2024.docx
Our final School Council meeting will take place, Mon. May 13th @ 6:30-7:30 pm. If you are unable to attend in-person, please consider joining virtually, using the link below. The agenda has also been attached. February’s Meeting Minutes will be posted once approved on the 13th. Thank you.
Greensville Parent Council – May Agenda – 2.5.2024.docx
Greensville Parent Council – February Minutes – 15.2.2024
Greensville Parent Council – February Agenda – 6.2.2024
If you are unable to attend our next School Council meeting in person, please consider joining us virtually, using the link below. We hope to see you on Monday February 12th @6:30-7:30 pm.
Click here to join the meeting
The 2nd School Council Meeting will take place on Mon. Nov. 13th @6:30-7:30 PM. Please join us in the library or virtually using the link below. As well, please find the Agenda posted.
Click here to join the meeting
Our first School Council meeting, for the 2023/24 school year, will take place on Tues. Oct. 10th (due to the Thanksgiving long weekend). Council elections will take place that evening. Please join us in the Learning Commons at 6:30-7:30 pm. Please see the Agenda below. Here is the link for those who will join virtually – Click here to join the meeting
Greensville School Council Agenda and Minutes – 11.10.2023 (1)
Our June 5th meeting will take place in the Greensville Library – 6:30-7:30 pm. Please see the agenda posted below.
CANCELLED: May 8th School Council Meeting NEXT MEETING: Mon. June 5, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Library Room 220.
Please join us for our upcoming School Council meeting on Mon. Apr. 3, 2023 at 6:30 pm. This month, our meeting will be held in the gymnasium. Due to limited service in the gym, we will not be able to provide a virtual link for this meeting. Please see April’s agenda below.
Greensville Council April 3 2023 v2.1
Greensville School Council Minutes Feb 13 2023 (1)
Please use the meeting link below should you want to join next month’s School Council meeting virtually, Mon. Feb. 13th @ 6:30 pm. We will be meeting in-person as well.
School Council Minutes December 12 2022 V2 *Note: next meeting is Mon. Feb. 13th NOT Mon. Feb. 6th as indicated on the Minutes. See above for link.
Please use the meeting link below should you want to join next month’s School Council meeting virtually, Mon. Dec. 12th @ 6:30 pm. We will be meeting in-person as well.
School Council Minutes November 7 2022
Please consider joining us for our upcoming School Council meeting on Mon. Nov. 7th @ 6:30-7:30. We will meet in the Learning Commons – 2nd Floor.
School Council Minutes October 3 2022
School Council Minutes May 16, 2022
Please consider attending a School Council information session being offered in October at the Education Centre – see link below.
Invitation Flyer School Council Start-Up 2022-23
We are inviting families to consider getting involved with School Council this year. For those wanting a more structured role on Council, please see the attached nomination form. Forms are due to the main office by Tuesday September 20, 2022 or you may email your form to [email protected]. Our first Council meeting is scheduled for Monday October 3, 2022. We will meet in person at Greensville Elementary; however, we will offer a virtual option, as well. More details to follow.
HWDSB will be hosting their annual School Council Start-Up Session on Wednesday October 12, 2022, Virtual or On-Site at the Education Centre. A light dinner will be provided at 5:30 pm, followed by the agenda at 6:00 pm. It is an opportunity to learn more about the role of School Councils and how they work.
A reminder to 2021/2022 members, please pick up your complimentary gift from the main office. If you’d like it sent home with your child, please call our office and make arrangements with Mrs. Taugher.
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to partnering with you in the months ahead!
Jennifer Miscas (Principal)
School Council Nomination 2022-23
Thank you, Greensville School Council! That’s a wrap…we held our final meeting of the 2021/2022 school year last night. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of our members, who are always looking for ways to enhance our school community and provide opportunities for our students. A shout out to our Co-Chairs, Linda Van Pelt and Michelle Tonner – thank you for your leadership! I look forward to working with our Council again in the Fall.
Jennifer Miscas
**Our final meeting for the 2021-2022 school year is Monday May 16th @6PM. Please note the change in time. Due to our onsite, in-person meeting, we will begin a bit sooner than usual. Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Next School Council meeting: Mon. Apr. 4, 2022 @6:30 PM. Plan to join us.
Here is a brief introduction to our 2021-2022 School Council members!
School Council Minutes Feb. 7, 2022
Greensville School Council Meeting
Hello Greensville families! Our next School Council meeting is coming up Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm. Tonya Hall will be telling us about some exciting new teaching strategies so hope you can join us! Please click on the link to join the meeting.
Hello Greensville Families!
We have three candidates for council co-chairs this year so there is going to be a vote. Anyone with a child attending the school is eligible to vote. Please follow the link below to a survey that will allow you to vote anonymously. Last day to vote is Friday, October 1st.
This year’s communications chair, Pam Crichton, has graciously made this survey for online voting and will announce the results at the Parent Council Meeting on Monday, October 4th.
Happy voting!
Hello Greensville Elementary Families!
It’s time for a new council to be formed for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in being a voting member of the School Council or would like to nominate someone, please email us with the information shown below. You may also email us to request a copy of the nomination form which we will email to you. Submissions will be accepted until Friday September 17th for all positions after which a Survey Monkey will be set up to allow for secret voting. Voting is open to all members of the school community who have children currently attending the school. Voting will be open for 2 weeks (closing Friday, October 1st) and the new council will be announced at the year’s first council meeting on Monday, October 4th. If you have any questions please email us (Linda or Kristen) at [email protected]
Nomination form —- Hello Greensville Elementary Families
Please complete and email this form to [email protected] by September 17th, 2021
Greetings Greensville Elementary Parents!
I hope you have all had a great summer and are finding ways to enjoy this week of sunshine!
The new school year is almost upon us (so excited) and that means council will be up and running again. We have an opening for co-chair this year as Kristen Weber, unfortunately, has to step down. If you are interested in the position or would like to nominate someone please email me by September 17th. I am quite certain council meetings will be online again this year so, I would like to send out an email to current voting members so we may vote by proxy and have the new co-chair decided before the first meeting. I found last year it could be a little tricky voting during online meetings. We will also need a secretary (or secretaries like we had last year). If you are willing to do this job please let me know.
If you are not sure how to get in touch with us our email address is [email protected] or, if you are on Facebook, you can message us there.
Looking forward to another great year at Greensville! 😊
School Council
School councils have a legislated role at their schools and are there to ensure the best possible education for students. Our school councils are comprised of democratically elected representatives of our parent community. Learn more about school council roles and responsibilities. Together school councils:
- Focus on student learning and the best interest of all students
- Provide a forum through which parents and other members of the school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance
- Make recommendations to the school principal and the Board on any matter they see impacting accountability and academic excellence
- Serve as a communication and information channel between the school and community
Current SVS School Council Chair:
Our School Council Chairs are Linda vanPelt and Kristen Weber
School Council can be reached at [email protected]
Message from your School Council
Message from your School Council
Children whose parents get involved in their child’s education tend to perform better in school. It doesn’t necessarily matter how you become involved, just that you do become involved. By being involved you are sending a very powerful message that your child’s education is important…so important that you are willing to devote your time and energy too! Different parents will prefer different ways to be involved. Not every parent has the time or inclination to become part of a school council; for example, consider these different roles and levels of involvement.
Parents: Provide active support at home to assist your child in doing better at school.
- Encourage homework completion and reading at home.
- Communicate with the teacher(s).
- Attend school functions.
- Read articles, attend seminars or workshops being offered.
Volunteers: Actively assist in the school by offering helpful services to students.( Will resume post – COVID)
- Assist in classrooms, field trips, and special events.
- Help to organize or carry out fundraising campaigns to benefit students.
- Help to organize or carry out events that bring families to the school.
- Bring community resources to the school.
- Please note- Volunteers must provide the school with a current police check
School Council Members: Work towards improving student learning.
- Support parents who wish to assist their children in doing better at school.
- Support volunteers by providing opportunities, training and recognition.
- Participate in the school improvement process.
- Act as an advisory body in decisions made by the Principal, School Board and Ministry of Education.
Greensville School Council encourages you to become involved this year. Parents are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. Your child’s education is worth it!
Good Morning!
Attached please find the School Council minutes from our first meeting on October 1st, 2020
Parent Council Minutes October 5 2020 (4)
Good afternoon,
PLease be aware that the Board has stated that due to the current COVID 19 situation, there will be no further formal School Council meetings for the remainder of the year. Your Co-Chairs will be updated regularly with pertinent information, and will be communicating with the Principal routinely to address concerns. Thank you for your understanding, and stay safe!
Hi all,
After a bit of a break we will be meeting back together this Monday March 2 @ 6:30 in the Art Room.
Attached is the agenda and January minutes for your review!
Our guest speaker for this meeting will be Jane Macpherson our Superintendent of Student Achievement to give an update of the progress of the new school. An invite will be put out to the school community via our fb page as well for those that would also like to hear the update.
Just a reminder that we will be hosting the Spencer Valley School Staff Appreciation Lunch on March 5 during the 2nd Nutrition Break. This will be co-ordinated by Anne Campbell, so speak to Anne if you have any questions. However to make things easier for co-ordination I am trying this pot-luck evite to help co-ordinate (thanks Becky Miller!). Please see attached link to add to the list instead of getting a borage of emails 🙂 Please have all food in by 11:00 on March 5th. In the case of any job action the lunch will be re-organized on a different date.
Please reply with any regrets,
Thank you,
Sasha and Linda
- Meeting started at 6:35 pm by Sasha Spycher-Sulentic.
- Motion to accept November minutes made by Michelle Toner. Seconded by Ewa Bilan-Poon. Motion Carried.
- Motion made to accept Meeting Agenda made by Ewa Bilan-Poon. Seconded by Lise Ciavarella. Motion Carried.
Principal’s Report – Mrs. Hensen
- New school – walls are going up; crews are working on the weekends
- New School Committee and Transition Committee will be formed; information is expected by March. New School Committee will involve naming the new school, among other topics. Students will have a voice as well. If interested in being on one or both committees, please contact Sasha or Linda.
- Odour in the Music and Art rooms has been fixed. The week before winter break, the smell was so bad that the wing of the school had to be evacuated. The workers had the lid off, so the odour was strong. A permanent cover for the pump tank was placed and the concrete was resurfaced, fixing the cracks.
- Still pushing for snow clearance at the front of the school.
- Bus doors remain open at the start of the day until all buses have arrived at the school.
- Portables and photocopy room are the lockdown rooms.
- Intermediate students are working with eachother in literature circles
- Delottenville is still in for Mr. Merriam; his return to school is unknown
- Sleep has had her baby; Miss Kirkpatrick is here for the rest of the year
Teacher Report – Mrs. Sanders
- Winter Concert was fantastic! Grade 1 – 6 kids had so much fun!
- Junior Choir was on cable 14, they did a great job!
- Show Choir went to Macassa Lodge – juniors and seniors were very comfortable with eachother
- Concert Band went to Glendale to participate in “Mindful Repertoire Day”. The students perform as a mass band with a maestro conducting them.
- Spirit Week was a success – PJ Day was the most popular, most kids wore their pj’s
- Food Drive was a huge success for the Flamborough Food Bank
- Class 8B helped with Spirit Week
- Class 8A will help with a Spirit Week – likely before March Break
- Maybe another food drive around the end of March, in time for Easter
- Volleyball teams did very well
- Basketball tryouts have taken place; starts next week
Millgrove Update
- No update; their meeting is next week
Home and School Update
- Any questions contact Kristin Weber or Erin De Souza-Bruce
- Poinsettia, gift card and MacMillans fundraisers were completed
- No meeting until the end of the month
- Talent Show is scheduled for January 23; more information to come
Rural Schools Report
- Facilities They reported our new school should be ready and open for Sept 2020. This is an extremely aggressive timeline especially considering they’re building in the winter. I asked if they will move the student’s midyear if it is not completed by Sept. They responded that they do require a 2-week moving period and will do a move over the Christmas break (Jan 2021 opening) but after that it won’t be until Sept 2022.
- Transportation – Bell Time Review board wide. Looking how best to minimize # of drivers needed, adjusting bell times could allow for drivers to drive more than 1 route. Drivers prefer smaller routes because they can do more than 1 route.
- We requested consideration be given to rural schools to have drivers assigned first as routes are geographically larger and no public transportation available, therefore more difficult for parents to get their children to school. Also consider other possible incentives to rural route drivers
- Rural Schools Funding:
For the past 2 years all rural schools have received funding from the government to be used towards things like transportation, programs. Equipment costs. It works out to approx. $10 per student. We received it again, will have to be decided on how it’s spent for this year.
Every school reported on how they used the funds last year. Mount Hope brought in a program called Jungle Sport –basically a mobile climbing gym for all ages. They set up for 1 week for the whole school, approx. cost $3500-4K. Junglesport.com Could invite Millgrove’s Gr 4&5’s as well to participate.
Financial Report
- School Council still has money – approximately $11,000 includes school generated funds
- $63 deducted for the BooHoo breakfast
- Some ideas on how to spend money:
- Brent and Sarah Magic Show – talks about the topic of bullying through magic – approx. $820 tax included
- “How to handle grief” seminar; something that involves the whole family; any ideas for guest speakers please contact Sasha or Linda
- Social Media Awareness- will offer on separate night from Council – invitation open to Spencer Valley and Millgrove families, please forward areas of interest related to this topic to Sasha and Linda
Grad 2020 Update
- Wednesday, June 17, 2020
- The graduation ceremony has been confirmed at Waterdown Highschool. Century Pines Golf Club has been booked for the graduation reception (4th Concession and Westover Rd). This reception will be for the students and staff only from 5pm – 9pm.
- Food includes: Poutine bar, Pizza, pulled pork sliders, salads, desserts
- Prices per student will be determined based on fundraising efforts. Adamczyk has done some fundraising
- Home and School has set aside $1000 to go toward graduation costs
- Parent/family involvement will be less because they are not looking after the reception. Will likely still have a committee to help with decor, etc.
- Goal is no cost or very little cost for students
- Grade 8 families donated as grade 7 families last year; next year and going forward there will be a cost per student
- Could have the band perform
Special Dates
- Pasta Lunch (replaces Pancake Lunch) – Thursday, February 13, 2020 – Anne will organize
- Teacher Appreciation Lunch – Thursday, March 5, 2020 – Anne will organize
Bullying Presentation
- School Board is working hard to tackle bullying; government had provided money toward this initiative
- All faculty has had some training – what is bullying, how to handle bullying, etc.; Ms. Sanders has been discussing bullying with grade 3 – 8 students
- Want kids to feel safe and that there is someone they can talk to
- Message in the school is that the teachers are listening and watching.
- Need to understand the difference between teasing and bullying
- Consistency is key
- Slide show presented. Please visit website for information and presentation. hwdsb.on.ca/spencervalley/files/2020/01/Shareable-School-Council-Bullying-Presentation-2019-2020.pdf
- Burger King – Bullying Jr video
- Next Meeting: Monday, March 2, 2020
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:20pm made by Pam Crichton. Seconded by Jessica Zylstra. Motion Carried.
Attendees: Principal Audrey Hensen, Mrs. Tanya Sanders, Sasha Spycher-Sulentic, Linda Van Pelt, Gina Allen, Lise Ciavarella, Anne Campbell, Michelle Toner, Pam Crichton, Becky Galer, Emily Craddock, Ewa Bilan-Poon, Becky Miller, Megan Wiggins, Jessica Zylstra, Kate Nieuwenhuis, Jennifer Van Hartingsveldt
March 2, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm Location: Art Room
Co-Chairs Spencer Valley: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic Secretaries: Gina Allen
Linda Van Pelt Lise Ciavarella
Principal: Audrey Hensen Staff Representative: Tanya Sanders
Community Rep: Anne Campbell
Home & School Rep: Erin De Souza-Bruce, Kristin Weber
School Council Parent Members: Michelle Toner, Julie Hunter, Pam Crichton, Heather Foster, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Maybelline Di Giovanni, Becky Galer, Ewa Bilan-Poon, Kaylee Wagner, Becky Miller, Megan Wiggins
A G E N D A— March 2, 2020
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Agenda
- New School Update-Jane Macpherson-Superintendent of Student Achievement
- Principal’s report and any Teacher’s update-Audrey
- 6. Millgrove update
- Home & School Update-Erin/Kristin/Anne
- Rural School Committee update- no update- Next Meeting March 24th
9.Financial Report- Linda/Sasha
- New School Committee- SC delegate announcement
- 1 Grad
Next Meeting: March 6, 2020
Special Dates: Teacher Appreciation Thursday March 5th
*Reminder: As a Green initiative, we will no longer be printing the Agenda’s or Minutes. Please review prior to the meeting, or print off your own copies for reference. Thank you!
Jan 6 Agenda
January 6th, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm Location: Gym
Co-Chairs Spencer Valley: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic Secretaries: Gina Allen
Linda Van Pelt Lise Ciavarella
Principal: Audrey Hensen Staff Representative: Tanya Sanders
Community Rep: Anne Campbell
Home & School Rep: Erin De Souza-Bruce, Kristin Weber
School Council Parent Members: Michelle Toner, Julie Hunter, Pam Crichton, Heather Foster, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Maybelline Di Giovanni, Becky Galer, Ewa Bilan-Poon, Kaylee Wagner, Becky Miller, Megan Wiggins
Potluck snacks. We didn’t get a chance to celebrate each other over the holidays. Please bring a snack to share if you like! Coffee and tea will be provided.
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Agenda
- Principal’s report-Audrey
- Staff’s Report-Tanya
- Millgrove update
- Home & School Update-Erin/Kristin
- Rural School Committee update- Jessica
9.Financial Report- Linda/Sasha
- How to spend $500 received for council use from the board
- 1 Grad Committee
- 12. Bullying presentation for School Councils and discussion- Audrey, Linda and Sasha
Next Meeting: March 2, 2020
Special Dates: Student Pasta Lunch Thursday February 13th; Teacher Appreciation Thursday March 5th
*Reminder: As a Green initiative, we will no longer be printing the Agenda’s or Minutes. Please review prior to the meeting, or print off your own copies for reference. Thank you!
Nov. 4 Minutes
- Meeting started at 6:31 pm by Linda Van Pelt.
- Motion to accept October minutes made by Anne Campbell. Seconded by Ewa Bilan-Poon. Motion Carried.
- Motion made to accept Meeting Agenda made by Anne Campbell. Seconded by Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka. Motion Carried.
Update from Paul Tut
- New school preparations have started.
- Ground breaking ceremony for new school November 14th @ 4:30 pm. Invitation list being decided.
- In April, a committee will be selected to name the school. Names will be suggested and will also be put forward by the community.
- Current opening date has not changed. A new build typically takes 12-16 months.
- The Super-Intendant: Jane McPherson & the Facility Manager: Dave Anderson
- Design questions can be gathered and sent to Paul. He will forward to Ms. McPherson for their review.
- The following concerns were mentioned:
- Location and size of music room
- Size of utility room (very large)
- Lack of Storage space
- Changes in what the school needs (classes that are offered changed)
- Lack of parking
Bullying Issue at the Board
- The media is following the recent incident in Hamilton and are currently waiting on a response from the Board. The board is waiting for more facts to come in.
- Discussion at last Board meeting to create a panel, possibly with a consultant/advisor, to make recommendations on how to better handle bullying
- This panel is currently planned for May next year
- Paul is focused on ensuring the members on this panel are a true representation of the population. He is concerned with student’s current perspective on “snitching” and how destructive this can be.
- An anonymous tip line exists for reporting bullying
- Bully Prevention Handbook on board website – hwdsb.on.ca>Bulling-Prevention-Handbook-2017-final
- The board wants to see more education set in schools and with parents/community
- Our council added that they would like to bring a guest speaker for one of our future meetings to help adults understand and get clearer ideas on what bullying is.
Principal’s Report – Mrs. Hensen
- Odour in the Music and Art rooms are due to Septic system issues. A new solution has been used and seems to be working. A Bromine gel is added to the septic, goes in as a liquid, treats the sewage and becomes a gel form. This gel seals in odours. A maintenance room door has also had some ventilation added to it to ensure that smells are vented outside.
- Care taker is Tim Jones (2 months now) Has been a great help
- Snow removal requests have been put forward to help create/maintain a pathway that is plowed and salted between the front and side doors.
- All existing paths will continue to be plowed and salted.
- Initiative to reduce paper: using water bottles to eliminate paper cups and reduce garbage as well.
- Communication survey went out. 3 replies were received. 2 were from new JK families. Plan ensures that communication/website information is more integrated into JK enrollment information packages.
- Student’s sense of well being and trust of an adult is still a big focus. The measurement went from 43% last year to 57%. Staff goal is 70%
- Hensen and Mr. Bader attended an emotional coaching seminar on Mental Health and Well Being
- “all ideas have merit, ideas can be improved and everyone has ideas to share”
- Spencer Valley has been selected to be a part of the universal design for learning and has been asked to share their strategies.
- There will be a grade 6 in-service for math. The working plan is for Millgrove and SVS to learn together on ways to improve the Grade 6 EQAO results, to close the gap between decreasing Grade 6 scores and strong grade 3 scores.
- Staff working with Spheros to learn coding and understand what the students are seeing
- There will be a Robotics club for Grade 5-8 students by Mr. Adamczyk; Warhammer Club grades 6-8
Teacher Report – Mrs. Sanders
- Will be introducing Garage Band app with students. Learning to loop sounds into music. Can use own instruments and will learn to produce songs.
- Hand out supplied (see next page)
- During Spirit week the following will the plan:
- Monday: Stop drop & read (20 mins) and potential to dress as favourite author
- Tuesday: Ugly sweater day / Holiday head bands
- Wednesday: Holiday concert: Grades 1 to 6
- Thursday: Jersey Day (sports / music with concert t-shirt)
- Friday: PJ day
Millgrove Update
- Cobs fundraiser happening
- Halloween Dance-a-thon complete
- Little Caesar’s fundraiser in the new year
Home and School Update
- Indigo card fundraiser being discussed. A date and time are set at one Indigo location. All purchases earn 20% for the school. Looking to run this around the end of November. Funds raised will be used to purchase new books for the school library.
- As per recent posting on their website current events and fundraisers are:
Home & School Calendar of Events
Event Date Type
Fundscrip Gift Cards now – November 29* Fundraiser
Winter Market November 29, 2019 Event/Fundraiser
Talent Show January 23, 2020 Event
Bake-Off Competition February 28, 2020 Event
Beeswax Wraps March 23 – April 10, 2020 Fundraiser
Vessey Bulbs Campaign April 20 – May 11, 2020 Fundraiser
Fun Fair May 29, 2020 Event/Fundraiser
- Scholastics will be running before Christmas as well. Books can be donated through scholastics to classrooms based on pre-made wish lists from teachers.
- Winter Market will be open to vendors and students with guidelines in place
- Potentially a Poinsettia fundraiser may be run right before Christmas as well.
- For those that ordered McMillan’s, the order will arrive on November 21st. A notice will go home to those who have items to pick up.
- For Fundscrip Gift Cards please contact Kristen Weber at [email protected]
Financial Report
- School Council still has money – approximately $11,000 includes school generated funds
- $63 deducted for the BooHoo breakfast
- $500 grant received from the Board for Parent Involvement initiative. Potential ideas:
- Child minding during council meetings or parent/teacher interviews
- Staff appreciation BBQ
- Public speakers brought in
Family Holiday Support Drive
- Looking for donations to help support the food banks, and the battered woman’s shelter in Waterdown.
- More information to follow at the end of November
Sister School: Bennetto
- Bennetto in Hamilton has families from both Ward 3 and 4, which show as locations that have the highest levels of poverty in our city.
- A committee will be put together to help support them
- First initiative: Winter Clothing drive. Collections begin now and will go for 2 weeks. Most of the students walk to school, so very important to help them with outer clothing: Boots, winter jackets, hats, mitts, socks, sweaters. (All goods must be in good to new condition)
- Many of the children have never experienced winter before so we want to prepare them before November 15th.
- Sasha and Natalie will store at their homes until ready to deliver.
- Donation box will be at front doors of the school.
- Future plans are to collect books and backpacks
Grad 2020 Update
- The graduation ceremony has been booked at Waterdown Highschool. There is no rental fee, however we are still waiting on confirmation of the permit. The auditorium seats over 500 people.
- Century Pines Golf Club has been booked for the graduation reception on Wednesday, June 17th. (4th Concession and Westover Rd). Total cost of $2000. Can host up to 200 people. This reception will be for the students and staff only.
- Food includes: Poutine bar, Pizza, pulled pork sliders, salads, desserts
- Students have shown interest in a candy bar and photo booth.
- Prices per student will be determined based on fundraising efforts (Halloween dance was very successful)
- Home and School has set aside $1000 to go toward graduation costs
- Next Meeting: will be a Social on Thursday, December 5th, 2019 @ Sasha’s house. This will be a pot luck event.
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:45pm made by Pam Crichton. Seconded by Julie Hunter. Motion Carried.
Attendees: Principal Audrey Hensen, Mrs. Tanya Sanders, Sasha Spycher-Sulentic, Linda Van Pelt, Gina Allen, Lise Ciavarella, Anne Campbell, Michelle Toner, Julie Hunter, Pam Crichton, Becky Galer, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Emily Craddock, Mabelline Di Giovanni, Ewa Bilan-Poon, Victoria Keith, Alison Van Alten, Paul Tut, Jackie Parry, Meredith Bourne, Becky Miller, Megan Wiggins, Kaylee Wagner
Nov. 1, 2019
Don’t forget the School Council Meeting on November 4 at 6:30 pm
Agenda and minutes below
Nov 4th, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm Location: Art Room #16 Spencer Valley
Co-Chairs Spencer Valley: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic Secretaries: Gina Allen
Linda Van Pelt Lise Ciavarella
Principal: Audrey Hensen Staff Representative: Tanya Sanders
Community Rep: Anne Campbell
Home & School Rep: Erin De Souza-Bruce, Kristin Weber
School Council Parent Members: Michelle Toner, Julie Hunter, Pam Crichton, Heather Foster, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Maybelline Di Giovanni, Becky Galer, Ewa Bilan-Poon, Kaylee Wagner, Becky Miller, Megan Wiggins
- Call to Order/Welcome: first Official meeting of 2019-2020 School Council
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Agenda
- Potentially Paul Tut-New Ward 13 School Trustee: Welcome and Update
- Principal’s report-Audrey
- Staff’s Report-Tanya
- Millgrove update-
8: Home & School Update-Erin/Kristin
- Financial Report- Linda/Sasha
- How to spend $500 received for council use from the board
- Sister School Winter Drive
- Family/Holiday Support Drive
- Grad Committee
- Bullying
Next Meeting: School Council December Social- Mon Dec 2/19 details TBA
*Reminder: As a Green initiative, we will no longer be printing the Agenda’s or Minutes. Please review prior to the meeting, or print off your own copies for reference. Thank you!
Sept 30 SVS School Council Minutes
- Meeting started at 6:40pm by Sasha Spycher-Sulentic.
- Motion to accept May minutes made by Anne Campbell. Seconded by Pam Crichton. Motion Carried.
- Motion made to accept Meeting Agenda made by Pam Crichton. Seconded by Anne Campbell. Motion Carried.
- All attendees introduced themselves
Update from Paul Tut
- Ground breaking ceremony for new school TBA
- Still dealing with bus issues; working to secure more busses
- Dundas Valley – new Art Sampson track is open
Principal’s Report
- Smooth start up into school routines
- We are down one office administrator
- Janet McManamy retired as head caretaker during September; Nick Stirling is acting head caretaker until Tim Jones, from Millgrove, takes over full time. Nick will go back to afternoon caretaker.
- Plunkett (grade 8) has taken a leave of absence from the board. Mrs. Julie Phillips has been hired in her place. Mrs. Phillips has been teaching for 13 years. She is a former Math and Science teacher in the Secondary level, teaches Physics in the summer and grade 9/10 Applied Math. She has been a teacher in the Elementary level for the last 3 years as an LTO. She is a mom to children in grade 8 and grade 5. September 30, 2019 was her first day at Spencer Valley.
- No re-organizing this year
- Merriam is back from a long-term leave. Coaching a lot of sports; Phys. Ed. lead and teaches grade 7/8
- School Plan:
- Positive School Climate: – a student survey was conducted last year with results that 47% of students felt that they had an adult that meant something to them; in June, another survey was conducted, and the results went up to 57%. We want children to feel they belong to help them succeed.
- board asked Spencer to take their strategies to all the schools.
- First day of school, teachers wore t-shirts “We All Belong”
- Grade 6 students participated in a team building camp with Camp Glen Mohr staff. Students had a great time. Very positive feedback. Hoping to take the students back to Glen Mhor again in the Spring.
- Language:
- focus on Grade 1 reading – 65% are at proper reading level
- EQAO results: grade 3 – 89% met level or above in reading; 89% met level or above in writing; 88% met level or above in math
- grade 6 – 90% met level or above in reading; 84% met level or above in writing; 52% met level or above in math, (34% board; 54% provincial); report card number are in the 80’s, so the children are understanding the curriculum, the problem is with the test. Students are having trouble with multiple choice questions. Spencer Valley will continue to work with colleagues at Millgrove to work on skills.
- Staff are given an IIR which lets the teachers know the students answers on the test, this helps to figure out where some of the students are having difficulty
- EQAO is in May/June 2020 – ½ day everyday is spent on the test for 2 weeks
- If parents are unsure of their child’s learning, PLEASE ASK!
- FDK at Greensville started in 2012; FDK at Millgrove started in 2013 – first group of FDK at Millgrove go into grade 6 next year.
- Teacher’s field trip – October 16 – “Knowledge Building”
- Thank you, Mrs. Tipping, Erin de Souza Bruce and the Garden Club, the Gardens are beautiful!
- Caretakers have started work to rule; union members cannot do the work of other union members
- Cross Country teams have been picked; Volleyball tryouts and picks are underway
- Terry Fox Run was a great day; Thank You to Home and School Committee for lunch
- Bus issues continue – please contact Linda Van Pelt with info on your bus issues. She stays in contact with Paul Tut – need to take issues to the board; staff supervision ends at 3pm and it is only the principal after 3:30pm so phones will not be answered if you are calling about your child’s bus
- Picture Day is October 2, 2019
- Students are thrilled to have the climber – rules have been implemented
- Each classroom now has “phone parking” – kids have been using social media during class time, so every class now has a parking (pocket) until teacher instructs students that they can use them. Parents – please do not text students during class time. Students will not be taking phones outside – they are encouraged to socialize and be active; students have been given a form to sign to agree to follow rules of phone use.
Millgrove Update
- New council coming into effect
- Halloween Dance fundraiser is coming up
- Gym and Learning Commons are being renovated, and new paint
Home and School Update
- Met September 17
- Some fundraisers in place right now are: Bake-off – where students bake and create their own desserts, Vendor/Crafter Market (holiday season) – not only vendors like, Scentsy, Norwax, etc, maybe students selling their crafts, Bulb Campaign, Beeswax Wrap Campaign, Fun Fair
- On-going Campaigns are Mabel’s Labels and gift cards (see Kristin)
- Looking at having a Talent Show in the New Year
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 22 at 6:30pm, location TBA
Financial Report
- School Council has transitioned to Home and School for fundraising
- School Council still has money – approximately $11,000
- Budget is just being finished up – more information at next meeting
- Need to decide what we are doing with the funds, ie. keep it for new school, etc.
- Lunch Lady – keep in school generated funds
- McMillan fundraiser to start next week
- How can we communicate better?
- Website – events calendar does not have much information, really need to sort through to find what you are looking for, if the information is there; information is supposed to go out as soon as it is posted; daily announcements are on the front page of the website
- Millgrove sends out a monthly calendar with each student with events happening in the upcoming month – works very well; maybe something that can be done at Spencer
- No internet in some of our catchment area which makes paperless communication difficult
- Snippets of information are on different platforms, Twitter, Bloomz, Facebook, but not all the information is on each of these platforms
- Every class has a different form of communication – should be consistent
- Resolutions must happen
- Elect a communication director to post upcoming events
Grad 2020 Update
- Previously the grade 7 families paid for food and helped with set-up. This has been difficult.
- New idea is to take ceremony to another venue and sell tickets
- Grad students take ownership of their own graduation
- Home and School has set aside $1000 to go toward graduation costs
- May need a teacher rep or a committee – TBA
New School Committee
- Need to elect a transition committee for new school – both Millgrove and Spencer parents involved
- Need parents and principals from both schools, students, elected by their peers, from both schools, Paul Tut
- One member from Council, one member from Home and School, one community rep
- New school council will elect – next meeting
- Things to discuss – transition, moving day, decide on new name of school
- Generally, meetings will be closed, will have some open forums
- New school is approximately 24 months
- School Council Election:
Co-Chairs: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic
Linda Van Pelt
Secretaries: Gina Allen
Lise Ciavarella
Community Rep: Anne Campbell
Teacher Rep: Mrs. Tanya Sanders
Communication: Emily Craddock
Home and School Kristin Weber
Representatives: Erin de Souza–Bruce
Parent Representatives:
- Michelle Toner
- Julie Hunter
- Pam Crichton
- Heather Foster
- Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka
- Maybelline Di Giovanni
- Becky Galer – proxy vote
- Ewa Bilan-Poon – proxy vote
- Kaylee Wagner – proxy vote
- Becky Miller – via email after meeting
- Megan Wiggins – via email after meeting
- Constitution will be sent out via email for everyone to review. Please read and bring forward any concerns. Approval will be made at the next meeting.
- Next Meeting: Monday, November 4, 2019
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:52pm made by Sasha Spycher-Sulentic. Seconded by Linda Van Pelt. Motion Carried.
Attendees: Principal Audrey Hensen, Sasha Spycher-Sulentic, Linda Van Pelt, Gina Allen, Lise Ciavarella, Anne Campbell, Erin de Souza-Bruce, Michelle Toner, Julie Hunter, Pam Crichton, Julie Said, Heather Foster, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Emily Craddock, Maybelline Di Giovanni, Jenn Van Hartingsveldt
Oct. 1, 2019
School Council dates
Nov.4, 2019
Dec. 2, 2019 (social)
Jan. 6th, 2020
March 2nd, 2020
April 6, 2020
May 4th, 2020
June 1st, 2020 (social)
School Council Agenda
Sept. 30, 2019
Sept 30th, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm Location: Art Room #16 Spencer Valley
Co-Chairs Spencer Valley: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic Secretary: Sandee Smordin-Laskey
Linda Van Pelt
Principal: Audrey Hensen Staff Representative: Nancy Johnson/Rachael Kott (alternate)
Community Rep: Anne Campbell
Home & School Rep: Erin De Souza-Bruce, Kristin Weber
School Council Parent Members: Karen Brown, Becky Galer, Angie Gordon, Sheryl Heddle-Kaftka, Julie Hunter, Victoria Keith, Becky Miller, Charlene Parton, Ewa Poon, Lisa Spenler, Michelle Toner, Rosalyn Vanderboom, Kaylee Wagner
Next Meeting: Monday November 4th
- Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions: Last Official meeting of 2018-2019 School Council
- Approval of Minutes May 2019
- Approval of Agenda
- Update sent from Paul Tut
- Principal’s report-Audrey
- Staff’s Report-Nancy/Rachael
- Millgrove update
- Home & School Update-Erin/Kristin
- Transition/New School Commitee-Sasha
- Grad 2020 update
- Elections SC 2019/20
Meeting Dates for 2019/20: Monday, November 4th
Monday, December 2nd (social)
Monday January 6th
Monday March 2nd
Monday April 6th
Monday May 4th
Monday June 1st (Social)
*Reminder: As a Green initiative, we will no longer be printing the Agenda’s or Minutes. Please review prior to the meeting, or print off your own copies for reference. Thank you!
School Council Update Sept. 26, 2019
Welcome Back SVS families and council members, and a warm welcome to our new ones!
Attached is our agenda for the upcoming Sept 30th Meeting and the May 2019 minutes for your review. As we will be holding our elections for the SVS Council for the 2019/20 year, The School Council Composition and Election Procedures from our constitution are also added for your review.
We need to review our Constitution on a yearly basis and it has been provided as an attachment for your review. Please reply back to this email if you have any suggestions or additions, as we will be voting on it at the meeting.
Sandee is unable to attend our meeting. If anyone is willing to step in as secretary, that would be amazing!!
Finally, the HWDSB is holding an info night on October 16th (poster attached) if you would like to learn more about how a school council runs and current best practices.
We are greatly looking forward to seeing you all Monday night!
Sasha and Linda
Article V – Composition of Council
Parents/Guardians 8-16
With equal distribution of parent/guardian representatives in junior to senior cohort of classes if possible. FDK to Grade 5 would encompass 4-8 members, and grades 6 to 8 would encompass 4-8 members. However, if there is inadequate interest in membership in a particular cohort, there may be imbalanced membership on either side.
Also, for the grades 6-8 cohort, 50% of representation should consist of parent/guardian membership from students coming from the Millgrove School catchment and 50% of representation should consist of parent/guardian membership from students coming from the Spencer Valley Holding School catchment. However, if there is inadequate interest in membership in a particular catchment cohort, there may be imbalanced membership on either side.
Principal 1 (non-voting member)
Past Chair (for mentorship if required for new Chairs elected- non-voting member)
Teacher Representative 1
Non-teaching Representative (eg. Umbrella Program rep) 0-1
Community Representative 0-1
Home and School Representative 1
———— ————
Total Council 10-22
———— ————
By-Law 2 – Nomination and Election Procedures
2.1 An election of parent members of council shall be held during the first 30 days of
each school year, on a date that is fixed by the chair or co-chair after consulting with
the principal.(Reg.612)
2.2 The principal shall, at least 14 days before the date of the election of parent members,
on behalf of the council, give written notice of the date, time and location of the
election to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the notice is given, is enrolled in
the school.(Reg.612)
2.3 A person is qualified to be a parent member of school council if he or she is a
parent/guardian of a pupil who is enrolled in the school.(Reg.612)
2.4 A person is not qualified to be a parent member if he or she is employed at the school
or employed elsewhere by the HWDSB, unless he or she takes reasonable steps to
inform people qualified to vote in the election of parent members of that
employment. (Reg.612)
2.5 A person is qualified to vote in an election of parent members of school council if he
or she is a parent/guardian of a pupil who is enrolled in the school or if he or she is a
teacher or non-teaching staff member, other than the principal or vice-principal, who
is employed at the school.(Reg.612)
2.6 The schools will forward the nomination forms to the chair and co-chair.
2.7 Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.
2.8 The chair(s) will contact the nominees to confirm eligibility and interest in
2.9 A formal election will only be necessary if the number of nominations exceeds the
council’s membership maximum, otherwise all members are acclaimed.
2.10 The principal shall conduct a lottery to determine the ballot position for each
candidate, if required.
2.11 No individual campaign literature may be distributed or posted in the school. A
fact sheet listing qualifications and goals may be distributed to households and/or at
the candidates’ forum.
2.12 The election of parent members shall be by secret ballot.(Reg. 612) and a
minimum of 4 representatives shall count the ballots.
2.13 After the elections are held, the school council shall meet within the first 35 days
of the school year.
First meeting of the 2019- 2020 year is on Sept. 30, 2019
Your 2018-19 School Council Executive Members are:
- Co:Chair: Sasha Spycher-Sulentic
- Co:Chair: Linda Van Pelt
- Secretary: S. Smordee
- Principal: A. Hensen
- Staff Rep: Nancy Johnson
- Community Rep: Anne Campbell
SVSMeeting Minutes April 92018
School Council Meetings
- We meet on the first Monday of each month
- Next Meeting April 9, 2018 6:30 p.m.
Updated on Friday, January 17, 2025.