Bell Times
8:40 AM - 3:00 PM
Diane Barlow - 905-385-5337 | Email
Eddie Grattan | Email
Simon Goodacre - 905.527.5092 x 2304 | E-mail Simon GoodacreTrustee
Dawn Danko - 289.775.0269 | E-mail Dawn DankoSchool Council Chair
- Sharla Armstrong ([email protected])
- Nina Vallve ([email protected])
Administrative Office Staff
- Lisa Speziale
- Sarah Stoneman (LTO)
Our School
- The school building is situated on the central mountain on Concession Street and surrounded by residential homes and small businesses.
- The school is so well established that there are children and grandchildren of past GLA graduates attending
- The school serves just over 400 children
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- Adult volunteers: reading program – Neighbour to Neighbour
- Parent volunteers
- Book Fair(s)
- Math and Literacy after school programs
Our School Plan
- Math focused
Environment Focus
Please highlight school initiatives here (i.e. Safe Schools)
- Bullying
- Administration and Staff Visibility (supervision, communication tools and visible vests)
- Safe Schools (locked doors, ID Badges etc.)
- Enhanced student voice through leadership
Parent & Community Involvement
- SIP Plan Involvement
- Community Experts in our Classrooms
- Library Volunteers
- Literacy Volunteers
- Nutrition/Snack programs
- Parent Reading Volunteers
- Graduation Committee
- Active parent group
- Parents & Educators Together
Updated on Monday, November 27, 2023.