COAST 905-972-8338
Kids Help Phone 800-668-6868
Suicide Crisis 905-522-1477
Contact Hamilton 905-570-8888
Below are Links For Parents, copied directly from the HWDSB website:
Provides information related to different mental health concerns, according to developmental ages. Also provides information to help determine the level of concern (green-yellow or red).
This website provides mental health information sheets on a wide variety of topics of interest to youth, and also provides screening tools.
Children’s Mental Health Ontario
For parents and families wanting to learn more about mental health and well-being, signs and symptoms, when to get help and specific mental illnesses. Also lists books to share with children.
Self-Injury Outreach & Support (SIOS)
As part of a collaboration between the University of Guelph and McGill University, SIOS is a non-profit outreach initiative providing information and resources about self-injury to those who self-injure, those who have recovered, and those who want to help.
Centre of Knowledge on Healthy Child Development
Provides information pamphlets on a range of mental health topics including resiliency and mental health problems
A series of books designed to provide information and reduce stigma about child and youth mental illnesses
Updated on Friday, February 23, 2018.