Bell Times
9:15 AM - 3:35 PM
Kelly Dunford - 905-304-3255 | Email
Shelly Vohra | Email
Lindsay Snell - 905.527.5092 x 2626 | E-mail Lindsay SnellTrustee
Amanda Fehrman - 365.889.4415 | E-mail Amanda FehrmanAdministration
- Principal: Kelly Dunford
- Vice-Principal: Shelly Vorha
School Council Chairs
- Coleen Kaus
- Nicole Vincic
Administrative Office Staff
- Rachelle Martin, Office Administrator
- Julie Finlay, Office Assistant
Our School
Ancaster Meadow is a multi-cultural school located in the Meadowlands in Ancaster. Built in 2005, the school’s mission is built on C.A.R.E. – Community, Achievement, Responsibility and Equity. Our mission statement is founded on five values that we consider most important when decisions are made at the school – collaboration, dedication, integrity, respect and empathy. The school is organized on a Balanced Day. The school is operating at over-capacity due to a high number of single family dwellings being built in the area.
Programs & Services
Student Success Supports
- Our Transition Plan between Ancaster Meadow and our local secondary schools assists our students in making factual decisions for the next stage in their education
- The school has 2 LRT’s & 1 ESL teacher who assist our students in meeting their grade expectations
- We have continued to expand our use of technology by adding new Smartboards in classrooms, increased number of iPads and laptops available for student use.
The school is fortunate to be able to offer team sports at both the Junior and Senior level. Intramurals are run during the first Nutrition Break for all grade levels. The school has two choirs, and can boast having the HWDSB checkers champions.
- Beginning & Senior Band
- Jazz Band
- Junior & Senior, Boys & Girls teams for Basketball, Volleyball, Slow-Pitch, Swimming & Cross Country
Orienteering - Track & Field
- Soccer
- Clubs – Environment & Recycling, Homework
- Student Council
Our School Plan
Curriculum Focus
- Improved reading comprehension skills in all subject areas
- Enhanced student performance in higher order thinking skills
- Increased effectiveness of longer pieces of writing
Environment Focus
- To encourage empathy amongst the students, staff and community through monthly charitable activities
- To improve safety issues in and around the school
Parent & Community Involvement
- We are located one block away from the Meadowlands retail complex, in the midst of a large neighbourhood of new single-family homes & townhouses
- Our area continues to expand with additional lots purchased & new homes erected
- We are very fortunate to have a very large & active School Council to advise us on curricular issues
- We also have a highly supportive Home & School Association who organize fund-raising activities for the school
- We are honoured to have a growing number of parent volunteers coming into our school
Updated on Friday, March 22, 2024.