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HWDSB Building

Welcome Message and Information

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Welcome Message and Information

Dear Families of Ancaster Meadow, 

We look forward to a safe and successful return to school. Our priority is student health, safety, and well-being, and we are working closely with Public Health to ensure that our return to school is safe.  

The staff at Ancaster Meadow has been working tirelessly on preparing for a September start that builds on getting to know each learner, creating safe and supportive learning environments, and on activities that will promote feelings of connectedness and positive mental health. Building relationships is key.  

Families can access the Parent Portal and see your child’s teacher for this school year. It is important for families to understand that the caring staff at Ancaster Meadow School engage in a lengthy and thoughtful process to determine class placements that will support student success and achievement. Many factors, including current and potential relationships, are taken into consideration, and class changes are not possible at this time.  


The First Day of School 

On the first day of school, students will meet their teacher on the school yard. To maintain the highest levels of student safety, all adults other than staff members will be required to stay beyond the designated areas for drop off and pick up. Class lines will be indicated with teacher names on signs, and students will be directed to line up with their class. Teachers will greet the classes and bring them into the school for the start of the day, and deliver them outside at the end of the day. There will be additional adults on the playground to help direct students and answer questions as needed.


Site Specific Plan and Routines for Ancaster Meadow 

  School Routines and Expectations 
Student Registration  All student registration will be virtual. Please contact the main office at 905-304-3255 or email [email protected] 
Screening  Students must be supported in screening for COVID symptoms prior to coming to school each dayDetails to be confirmed. 

Students will have access to the screening tool on a device or with a paper copy and will be required to show proof of screening to their period one teacher daily. 

Access to School  Access to the school will be limited to staff and students. Please contact the main office before coming to the school to speak with a staff member. 
Communication with School  Continue to communicate with staff members through phone and email. Contact the school at to speak with a teacher, principal or vice principal. 


Bus loading and unloading  School buses will unload and load at the front of the school. 

Students will be guided by staff members to the appropriate locations.  

School Parking Lot  Ancaster Meadow parking lot is closed from 9:00 – 9:45 am and 3:20 – 4:00 pm .

Thank you for your understanding. This will allow for safe arrival and departure of our buses. Active transportation (walk/bike) is encouraged to reduce traffic at the start/end of the day. 

 If you are driving your children to school, please use a stopping location near the school (Meadowlands Community Park, Springfield Blvd and Thoroughbred Blvd).

Do not park on Kitty Murray Lane directly in front of the school.

Entry and Exit for Students  Please drop children off at the sidewalk at the front of the school. Families with  students in K-3 can walk to the back of the school and wait at the side of the blacktop while students walk to their classes. When students enter the schoolyard, they are to proceed directly to their class location (marked) and line up. Students/parents must physically distance (2m) from other families/staff while on school property.

All adults must wear face coverings while on school property.

At the end of the day, students will be dismissed directly to parents from their class lines, and must leave school property in a timely fashion.

Students in grades 4-8 will walk directly to their lines and wait for entry/dismissal.

Movement Around the School  Students will remain with their class cohort throughout the day. 

Subject specific teachers will travel to classes where possible to provide instruction, to minimize transition movement.

When moving about the school, students/classes will walk on the right side, maintaining physical distancing. 

Student Belongings  Use of lockers/hooks/cubbies will ensure physical distancing from students in other cohorts. 

Shared use of lockers/hooks/cubbies may take place within a cohort or family. 

Students will keep work materials at their desks. 

Class Set Up  A sink or hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms. 

Each student is assigned a work-space area that ensures distancing from others. 

All desks are forward facing. 

Where tables are used,  a physical divider (plexi) where available will be used to separate students. 

All required work materials are located at student’s workspace. 

Students may share learning materials with hand washing/sanitizing. These materials will be cleaned on a regular basis. 

Kindergarten  Students will use the outdoor space in their own cohorts.

No plush toys permitted. 

PE, Music, Learning Commons  Physical Education (PE)

PE will take place outdoors as much as possible (along with DPA). Classes may be held in the gym with regular cleaning of high touchpoints throughout the day. Students are encouraged to come dressed in comfortable clothes.


Wind instruments may be used indoors with distancing. Singing may take place indoors with masks on.

Learning Commons

One class at a time (book exchange permitted).

Nutrition Breaks We will have two 40 minute nutrition breaks (10:55 – 11:35 am and 1:15 – 1:55 pm). Students will eat in their classrooms at their work space areas. No sharing of food or beverages. Please send enough food for two nutrition breaks.

Food delivery throughout the day will not be permitted. 

Each class has a designated outdoor play area.

Students may remove masks during outdoor play, maintaining distancing.

Washroom Use  Students will use washrooms closest to their classrooms. Occupancy limits are posted outside washrooms. Markings are outside washrooms for physical distancing of students awaiting entry. Students will maintain physical distancing while in washrooms. Urinals and stalls: every other one marked off. 
Hydration Stations  Water fountains have been closed. Students use Hydration Station to fill labelled water bottles brought in from home. Disposable cups will be available as needed.

Markings to ensure physical distancing in line up. 

Clubs and Extracurriculars  Clubs and extracurriculars may take place for mixed cohorts (masking and distancing required). No outside program providers will come into schools. 
Nutrition Programs  All Nutrition Programs are ‘Grab and Go’, and food is delivered in bins to each classroom when available.

Food sales have been suspended at this time. 

Ill or Injured Students  Ill or injured students will wait in a separate supervised location. The school office will contact parents immediately to come to the school for pick up. Upon arrival for pick up, please buzz the office and a staff member will meet you at the door with your child.
Mask Rules  All students must wear a non-medical mask or face covering on school buses and in the school. Contact Kelly Dunford if you have any concerns about your student wearing a mask/face covering. 

Masks will be provided to students as needed. 

Ventilation  Parents may access information regarding ventilation at https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/about/school-renewal/ventilation/ 
Updated on Friday, September 03, 2021.
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