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HWDSB Building

Principal Update Oct 9

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Principal Update Oct 9



It has been an exceptionally busy start to this school year but it is great to see that students and teachers have settled into class routines. Though a few routines are a bit different than  past years, students are engaged with their learning and bring a great energy to the building.


HWDSB Update and Remote Learning Transition


The latest HWDSB update to families can be found at https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/blog/covid-19-update-to-families-27-october-8-2020/


Between October 5 – October 12th, parents can indicate a desire to switch between Ancaster Meadow and Remote School. Only parents desiring a switch in placement need to fill out the form https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/blog/remote-in-person-transition-for-elementary-students/ For parents who wish a change it is very important that the deadline for this request is met as late request may not be processed.  While the HWDSB will offer two more transition points (January and March), these transition points may have greater restrictions due to space and class sizes.


Illness Reporting


Thank you for continuing to screen your child/ren for possible symptoms of COVID-19 and learn the protocols related to student absence and health procedures. It is important that we do everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19. If your child is ill, they are to stay at home.


As of October 5, a revised screening tool for students in school and child care is being used. The province adjusted the type and number of symptoms needed for child/ren to stay home for a period of time and when to seek medical advice. As a result, public health updated their decision guides to align with provincial changes related to a symptomatic child at home (COVID at Home Protocol) and a symptomatic child at school (COVID at School or Child Care Protocol).


Schools are following a strict exclusion process for individuals who become symptomatic or fail the screening process. The Attestation for return to school/child care following illness or self-isolation is now included in the return process. Parents and guardians can complete the form to accompany your child’s return to school.


School Council Nominations and First Meeting


Any nominations for School Council should be  emailed to [email protected] by the end of Monday October 12th.


The first virtual School Council meeting will be held on Thursday October 15th at 6:30pm. A link to the virtual meeting will be sent next week.


Contacting Teachers on the Blacktop


To help increase physical distance and reduce the number of in-person interactions, please use email or phone to exchange messages with teachers. Remember the blacktop is for students and staff only, please do not approach teachers for a discussion about students. While we really would like to interact more, the protocols mean that we will politely decline to talk in person and encourage email and phone communication.


Thanksgiving weekend


Remember that Monday is the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope that everyone finds some time to safely relax with family.


Take care and stay safe,

Simon Goodacre, Principal

Updated on Friday, October 09, 2020.
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