Winona News – Feb 5
Supporting Student Programs – During February we will be fundraising for two new programs at Winona (Healthy Snack Program and Imaginarium). Traditionally, our school has organized fundraising events involving selling items. For our current goals, we are exploring a more streamlined approach.
For families interested in supporting our Healthy Snack Program or Student Imaginarium (i.e. Makerspace), we ask you to visit the following link (Donate | Foundation ( to donate to The Hamilton Foundation for Students Success, the non-profit outreach of HWDSB. Please indicate Winona School (Healthy Snack Program and/or Imaginarium) in the Additional Comments box and 100% of the funds donated will go to the school. Tax receipts are provided for donations over $10. Thank you in advance and we look forward to bringing these resources to Winona students.
Courtesy Busing – Due to an increase in the number of students at Winona and eligible riders, we have reached the maximum capacity on some of our school bus routes. As a result, we are unable to accommodate additional courtesy riders at this time. Additionally, for those families who are currently being bussed through courtesy, it is important to know that spots are contingent on available space. When space is no longer available, permission to ride the bus may be withdrawn and courtesy riders will be required to make alternate arrangements. Procedures Categories: (
Grade 8 Save the Date – To assist our Grade 8 families with planning. We would like to inform you of some important dates that you may want to mark on your calendars.
- Grade 8 End of Year Trip – Week of June 17 (June 21 excluded)
- Grade 8 Commencement Rehearsal – Monday, June 24
- Grade 8 Commencement & Celebration – Tuesday, June 25