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Winona News – Feb 5

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Winona News – Feb 5

Upcoming Dates

Feb 6 – September 2023 Kindergarten registration begins – Kindergarten | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)
Feb 7 – Sr. Boys Basketball @Prince of Wales / Sr. Girls Basketball
Feb 9 – Sr. Boys Basketball @Sir Wilfred Laurier/ Sr. Girls Basketball
Feb 9 – Pizza Day (order by Feb 5 – noon)
Feb 9 – Lockdown Drill #2
Feb 9 – School Council – 6:30 pm – Library and via MS Teams
Feb 10 – Requested date for Treat Sale donations
Feb 14 – Student Leaders Treat Sale
Feb 17 – Term 1 Report Cards Sent Home
Feb 20 – Family Day (school closed)

The Winona Student Leadership Team Treat Sale is Coming! – The Treat Sale will be held on February 14th with all items costing $1. We would greatly appreciate donations of individually packaged items such as chips, suckers, nut-free granola bars, fruit roll-ups, chocolates, nut-free cookies etc.  Snack items that are labelled nut-free, gluten-free, or halal are greatly appreciated. Children will be allowed to purchase up to 2 items to ensure there is enough for all and that treats are purchased in moderation. If you’re interested in donating to our Treat Sale, please send in your individually wrapped, pre-packaged items by Friday, February, 10th. Thank you in advance, we appreciate any help we can receive!

Lockdown Drill #2– We have planned our second lockdown drill of the school year for Thursday, February 9th.  The term “Lockdown” is used when there is a major incident or threat of school violence within the school or in relation to the school. As part of our Secure School Protocol, the staff and students at Winona practice Lockdown procedures twice annually. Prior to each drill, teachers will have age-appropriate discussions regarding the drill and their expectations. To ensure that there is no confusion, these rehearsals are clearly identified as drills via an announcement.

Are You Moving? – To help with planning, notify your child’s homeroom teacher or the school office if you will not be returning for September 2023.  Registration has not only begun for Kindergarten but any students entering an HWDSB school for September 2023.  If you are planning on moving within the district, you can register for your September school now.  Early registration helps schools plan for their September staffing and enrollment.

Updated on Sunday, February 05, 2023.
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