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Winona News – Oct 10

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Winona News – Oct 10

  • Oct 11 – Cross Country Meet (Gr. 3-8)
  • Oct 13 – Photo Day (K-3)
  • Oct 13 – Sr. Girls Volleyball @W.H. Ballard
  • Oct 14 – Photo Day (4-8)
  • Oct 18 – Fire Drill #3
  • Oct 20 – Gr. 6 to Brock
  • Oct 20 – Jr. Swim Team
  • Oct 24 – PA Day (no classes)
  • Oct 27 – School Council – 6:30 pm – Library
Photo Day – Photo Day is coming to Winona next week.  Photo Day will take place on Thursday, October 13 (K-3) and Friday, October 14 (4-8).  Further details will be coming soon.  For those who are absent, a retake day will be set later this month.
Terry Fox – We had a very successful Terry Fox event this past Friday. Our students were outside during all parts of the day running and walking in memory of Terry Fox. Thank you to all of our students who participated and to our families for their donations for cancer research. We are getting closer to our goal of raising $2500. If anyone still wishes to donate to the Terry Fox Organization, please use the link below. https://schools.terryfox.ca/WinonaPSWinona

Nutrition Policy – Did you know that all schools in Ontario are required to follow the Healthy Schools: Food and Beverage Policy?   As part of this policy, schools are allowed up to 10 “special-event” days throughout the year, where they are exempt from the standards. At Winona, these will be allocated throughout the year for school and classroom events.  Your child’s teacher will keep you informed and guide you when these days are allocated.  Due to the nutrition policy and the allergy and food restrictions of individual students, we ask that items such as class-wide birthday cupcakes are not sent to school.  If you are unsure, refer to your child’s teacher for specific directions

Volunteering at Winona – With sports, excursions, and activities starting up, caregivers are reminded that if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity you must complete a Vulnerable Sector Screening. This screening is easy to complete and can be obtained either by applying online. Police Background Checks :: Hamilton Police Service :: Consumer :: Vulnerable Sector Scan (VS) (policesolutions.ca)

Once complete, your VSS does not need to be renewed for 3 years.  Bring your original VSS into the school office for verification and complete a volunteer package.

Contact and Information Verification/Forms – If you have not already reviewed your child’s Student Information Verification and other items on the Parent Portal, we ask you to take a moment this week.  You can access these items by selecting “Forms” from the menu.

  • Student Information Verification – Review and update your contact information, address, email, and emergency contacts.
  • Early Closure and Emergency Evacuation – Review and update your preferences in the event of a school closure.
  • Permission Agreements – Complete the digital tool permission form and annual media consent.
Updated on Monday, October 10, 2022.
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