Winona News – Oct 2
- Oct 3 – Junior Swim Team Practice
- Oct 6 – Meet the Staff (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm)
- Oct 7 – Terry Fox Event
- Oct 7 – Students impacted by reorganization begin the day in their new class.
- Oct 10 – Thanksgiving (School Closed)
- Oct 12 – Terry Fox Assembly
- Oct 13 – Photo Day (K-3)
- Oct 14 – Photo Day (4-8)
- Oct 24 – PA Day (no classes)
Terry Fox – A reminder that our annual Terry Fox Run will take place this Friday (Oct. 7) at the school. We have set a fundraising goal of $2500 for this year. If you would like to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation to help with cancer research, please use this link to go directly to Winona School’s fundraising page.
School Council – School Council had its first meeting last week. We had a great turnout and hope that we can continue to maintain this level of attendance. Our School Council will meet on the last Thursday of most months. The next meeting is planned for Thursday, October 27 at 6:30 pm. All meetings are open to any Winona parent/guardian interested in attending. Congratulations to Sabrina Ertsenian who will be returning to the role of School Council chair this year. If you would like to reach out to our School Council, the email address is [email protected] or [email protected]
Addressing a Concern – Families often wonder who they should speak with if there is an issue or concern at the school or in the classroom. This flow chart was developed by HWDSB to help guide families with a starting point for their contact with board staff. Addressing-Concerns-HWDSB.pdf. If you are still unsure, please do not hesitate to call the school office and our staff can answer your questions or help direct your question to the appropriate personnel.
Meet the Staff Evening – On Thursday, October 6, the staff at Winona welcome families for school and classroom visits, from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. As our students bring their families through our school, most staff will be present for introductions and to meet families. For students who are moving to a new classroom due to reorganization, this will be a great opportunity to meet your child’s new educator and classroom.
Emotion Coaching for Parents –Emotion Coaching is a communication strategy that can calm the brain in as little as 60
seconds and help improve relationships. Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, and Hamilton Family Health Team invite parents and caregivers to explore Emotion Coaching in a 90-minute webinar, and if interested, a six-week parent/caregiver group for further learning. Click the link for more information: Caregiver-EC-flyer (hwdsb.on.ca)
HWDSB Advisory Committees – The HWDSB has several opportunities for parents/caregivers and students to be part of board Advisory Committees. These Advisory Committees provide advice, input, and feedback around policies and structures within the school board. Follow the links below for more information regarding a committee of interest.
Join a Student Voice Advisory Committee | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (hwdsb.on.ca)
Updated on Sunday, October 02, 2022.