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Templemead Food Drive December 4th -15th

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Templemead Food Drive December 4th -15th

Help support the Templemead Food Drive! 

Templemead will be collecting non-perishable items to support Neighbour 2 Neighbour as they strive to provide thousands of people with nutritious meals and prepare boxes of food for families in our community.

Students can bring items into their classroom from December 4th – 15th.

Thank you for your support!

Items most needed: tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, canned vegetables (corn, green or yellow beans), kraft dinner, cereal and oatmeal, crackers, granola bars, canned fruit, canned tuna/ salmon/ ham, peanut butter, dried chickpeas & other beans, jam, soups and stews, diapers, baby food and formula, personal care products.

Updated on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
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