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Letter to Templemead community

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Letter to Templemead community

Letter to Templemead Community

Dear Families,

It is with deep sadness that we share with you the news of the tragic death of Jude Strickland, a Templemead student in Grade 6.  We strongly believe it is important that you know about the deep loss that our school community is experiencing.

We recognize that events like this will affect everyone differently.  Knowing this, we continue to have social workers at the school for the purpose of supporting our students.  We will continue to have that support available in the days ahead.

Social work support will also be available to Templemead students who are currently part of the remote learning program. We ask that parents and caregivers of those students to please reach out to their remote teacher if support is needed.

We understand that children may have questions, and that you may wish to discuss this incident with your child, or respond to their questions. And with that in mind, some of the information below may be helpful.

Remind yourself and your child that there is no right or wrong way to grieve.  You are your child’s best role model, and it is okay to show your own emotions.  When we show our children our feelings, they feel open to identifying their own feelings.

Reassure your child that they are safe and that their feelings are normal.  They need to know that there is someone who will help take care of them.  Keeping with their regular routines will help them feel safe and secure.

When talking with your child, use wording that is clear and truthful in your explanation of the death.  It is important for us to have discussions and conversation that are at their age level.

Children might not be ready to talk right away.  Or they may ask questions over and over again.  Please be patient.  Listen carefully to what they are saying and allow them the opportunity to talk and ask questions.

As caregivers, it is our role to provide safe and supportive ways to allow our children to express their feelings.

We all share in the grief and sadness of having lost a respected and loved student.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.


Gregg Williamson, Principal                     Jennifer Harvey, Vice-Principal

Updated on Thursday, December 03, 2020.
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