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Students of the Week – May 10-14

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Students of the Week – May 10-14

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for May 10-14, 2021!

Abigail 6/7l Lewis For her consistent effort and dedication throughout on-line learning.
Everett FDKC Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Montecalvo Everett is continuously building upon his learning experiences in our remote classroom. Recently her learned about Verma culture and has built his own worm home. Keep sharing your ideas!
Deyan 3A Mrs. McNabb Demonstrating great digital citizenship and participation.
Evan 1a Mr.Hawley For great work during the body percussion song
Levi 2A Mr. Perry Excellent work completion and answering all sheets posted to The Hub for practice!  Good job Levi!
Bhavnoor Grade 3/4 Mr. Levantis For participation during online learning and for transitioning well into our class!
Amelia 6/7 Mme. McDonald Amelia, your work ethic and active participation in our virtual French class amazes me every day!  I am so grateful that you are our class “technologiste”!  Tu es fantastique et excellent Amélie!  Félicitations!
David Grade-2B Mrs. Savi For attending the remote classes regularly. And for showing great improvement in Math skills.
Ben 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Ben has formulated some very strong written responses to our weekly discussion question prompts.
Colton grade 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great job on his dance routine!
Yashvi JKSKA Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For great daily participation in all activities. Thank you for taking part in growing a home garden!
Yousef Kindergarten FDK- B Class Mrs. Saigeon For sharing interesting information about Ramadan and Eid with our class. Thank you Yousef!
Zahra Class 7/8A Mr. Laidman Outstanding class participation during remote learning.
Updated on Friday, May 14, 2021.
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