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Students of the Week – May 3-7

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Students of the Week – May 3-7

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for May 3-7, 2021!

Olivia JKSKA Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For doing an excellent presentation on how to take care of kittens!
Saba Grade 3/4 Mr. Levantis For excellent effort and participation during remote learning.
Jude 3A Mrs. McNabb Assignment completion and consistent effort!
Xavier Grade2-B Mrs.Savi For displaying a genuine interest in doing fractions and Math activities on a daily basis. And for continuous improvement in reading skills and overall learning.
Elias 4/5 Mme. McDonald Elias, you are an excellent French student!  You respond to our “Question du Jour” in Hub Discussions in writing and aloud!  It’s so wonderful to see your “virtual” hand up every day in French!  You are a role model in our French Class!  Tu es fantastique Elias!
Ruby 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Ruby recongnizes the ever increasing importance of emotional intelligences even through remote learning.
Ava 6/7L Lewis For her outstanding presentation and model of Residential Schools.
Aiden FDKC Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Montecalvo Aiden you have had excellent participation in our online learning classroom. Your enthusiasm and attention to detail showcases your creations in Art!
Colton gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great job on his Physical Properties of Matter sheet!
Syed 2A Mr. Perry Excellent mathematical progress in Prodigy Math with over 230 math questions completed!  Excellent focus and determination in Math!
Cody Grade 1 Mrs. Popovic For consistently putting in effort into his work and sharing his ideas.
Spencer Class 7/8A Mr. Laidman Outstanding Class Participation
Updated on Sunday, May 09, 2021.
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