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Students of the Week – April 26-30

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Students of the Week – April 26-30

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for April 26-30 2021!  Your certificates will be mailed to you.

Xavier 2b Mr. Hawley For showing his guitar skills during music class
Vaibhav Mrs. Savi Miss Graham Being engaged while learning online!
Rogue FDKA Mrs. Brock and Mr. Fried Ongoing enthusiasm in learning- we can always count on Rogue to add interesting and insightful ideas to our group discussions!
Evan 1 Mrs. Popovic for being engaged in remote learning and completing his work in an efficient manner!!
Manchahat 4/5 Mme. McDonald Manchahat works hard on her “Question du Jour” every day!  She can post her answers in the Hub and comment on her classmates’ posts!  Tu es fantastique Manchahat! I am very proud of you!  Bravo!
Andrew 3A Mrs. McNabb Always demonstrating great digital citizenship.
Giuliana 2A Mr. Perry Amazing participation in all on-line learning activities!  Keep up the great work!
Sahib FDKC Mrs. Montecalvo and Mrs. Kitchen Sahib has been a very enthusiastic scientist in our remote classroom. He independently documented a “Will it sink or Will it float” experiment and shared his findings with his classmates!
Miliana Grade2-B Ms. Savi Miliana showed great improvement in Math and reading skills this week.
She learned to tell the time very quickly by looking at the analogue clock.
Lela 6/7L Lewis For consistently contributing to class discussions with thoughtful and mature responses.
Jessie 3/4 Mr. Levantis For jumping into remote learning with great energy and focus. Jesse completes all assigned work accurately and creativity.
Vaive 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Vaive demonstrates outstanding commitment to his educational outcomes and was successful with some very challenging algebraic monomials.
Ben Gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner For his great job on his Forces of Nature project!
Sadie Class 7/8A Mr. Laidman Positive attitude and active class participation during remote learning.
Updated on Monday, May 03, 2021.
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