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Students of the Week – Mar. 15-19

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Students of the Week – Mar. 15-19

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for March 15-19, 2021!

Ibrahim Ms. Savi Overall achievements-
Being kind and considerate to his peers.
Actively participating in group activities.
Being consistent in all learning activities.
Diligently following the class routine.
Olivia Mrs.Montecalvo and Mrs.Kitchen Olivia has jumped right into our program and loves to contribute her ideas in class discussions.She is a great addition to our classroom!
Chase Mr. Levantis For creative work during our Super Hero unit.
Coby Lewis For his Leadership and creativity while teaching our class a new phys-ed game!
Alina Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For adapting to her new class very well and starting to demonstrate great literacy skills.
Lyla Mrs. McNabb Consistent effort
Nathan Mr. S. Kuczerepa Nathan has demonstrated improved maturity and responsibility in class especially this past week in French.
Landon Mr. Perry Lunchtime organization!
Brooklynn Mrs. Popovic for having a good start to our grade one class
Yousef Mrs. Saigeon For creatively building structures with materials in the classroom and outdoors.
Updated on Friday, March 19, 2021.
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