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Students of the Week – Mar. 1-5

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Students of the Week – Mar. 1-5

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for March 1-5, 2021!

Jay 1 Mrs. Popovic being a kind and caring student in our class
Ne-Yo 6/7L Lewis For his increased participation during lessons and discussions.
Jenny 3a Mrs.McNabb Being kind and respectful
Emily 2A Mr. Perry Excellent Popcorn and Home Movie Theatre Multimedia Show and Share!
Yusuf JKSK-A Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For great improvement on your numbers and math addition work. Keep it up!
Agamveer 7/8A Laidman Agamveer has made an excellent transition back to Tapleytown. He has been doing excellent work in Mathematics.
Miliana 2-B Savi Excellent behaviour and be a role model for others (to behave in a group environment) – helping others, waiting for her turn, role modelling  best practices taking initiative in group activities, understand and respect the emotions of others.
Vukasin FDKC Mrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Montecalvo Vukasin completed his Celebrations and Traditions project in both English and Serbian, Amazing Job!  We learned so much about your special celebrations and tradition.
Jenna Kindergarten FDK-B class Mrs. Saigeon For always looking out for her friends and for adding detail and creativity to her projects!
Eli gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great start make to in person learning!
Updated on Thursday, March 04, 2021.
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