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Students of the Week – Feb. 22-26

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Students of the Week – Feb. 22-26

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for February 22-26, 2021!

Eliyah 3a Mrs.McNabb Great job completing Home Reading
Morgan Kindergarten FDK-B Class Mrs. C. Saigeon For consistently showing kindness and always including friends in games and activities.
Saba 3/4 Mme McDonald Saba has an incredible memory for French vocabulary and dialogue! She has a wonderful attitude and is always smiling under her mask!
Willa 3/4A Mr.Levantis For great work during spelling activities and quizzes.
Michael 6/7 Mr. Hawley For working hard during music and having such a positive attitude towards learning
Mackenzie 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Mackenzie has been working diligently in class and pushing herself on ice since our return.
Michaela 2A Mr. Perry Excellent spelling activities and vocabulary building!
Vedanth FDKC Mrs. Montecalvo and Mrs. Kitchen Vedanth Is a welcomed addition to our classroom. His first day of school was full of smiles and we enjoyed his contributions to our classroom discussions. Keep up the good work!
Anahita 6/7L Lewis For her participation during math lessons!
Jannah 2B Savi Following directions
Bonsa 1 Mrs. Popovic putting in consistent effort in his work this week
Jacob Class 7/8A Laidman Jacob has made an excellent transition to Tapleytown. He is a consistent participant in all class discussions.
Ty JKSK-A Mr. Fried/Mrs. Brock For being a great funny and welcoming friend to the new students in our class!
Munteha Gr. 4/.5 Mrs. Goehner Her great participation in all subjects.
Updated on Friday, February 26, 2021.
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