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Students of the Week – Feb. 16-19

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Students of the Week – Feb. 16-19

Congratulations to our Students of the Week for February 16-19, 2021!

Raed Gr. 4/5 Mrs. Goehner Great job with his spelling!
Jay 1/2 Mrs. Popovic having a good start in our class.
Mira Kindergarten  FDK-B Mrs. Saigeon For always being a kind and caring friend.
Oliver 3/4 Mme McDonald Oliver is a hero technologist who always helps Mme set up her speaker and smart board! He has his hand up for every question in French and is a natural with it!
Paramjot Fdkc Kitchen / Montecalvo Paramjot is a kind and considerate friend in our classroom. He often shows empathy and reassures his peers when they are feeling frustrated or upset. He is always cheering on his friends and celebrates their achievements!
Jaxson 3a Mrs. McNabb Great class participation.
Kristofer 7/8 Hockey Mr. S. Kuczerepa Kristofer demonstrates quiet leadership by doing the right things without needing constant reminders.
Metty 3/4 A Mr. Levantis For participation during class discussions.
Michael 6/7l Lewis Improved attendance !!!
Updated on Monday, February 22, 2021.
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